"Waiting On" Wednesday #2 ~ Winter by Marissa Meyer

Did anyone doubt my choice would come around to this very awesome book now that the cover reveal has gone live and I have had a chance to read the excerpt? No? Good. Alrighty then.


  • Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
  • Publishing date: November 10, 2015
  • Author: Marissa Meyer
  • Series: Final Installment of the Lunar Chronicles

Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ B&N ~ Twitter ~ Website 

My argument for why WINTER should be on your "Waiting On" Book Pile.

Scarlet pressed her body against the steel bars, straining to grasp the tree branch that dangled just outside her cage. Close — so close. The bar bit into her cheek. She flailed her fingers, brushing a leaf, a touch of bark — yes!

Her fingers closed around the branch. She dropped back into her cage, dragging the branch closer. Wriggling her other arm through the bars, she snapped off three leaf-covered twigs, then broke off the tip and let go. The branch swung upward and a cluster of tiny, unfamiliar nuts dropped onto her head.

Scarlet flinched and waited until the tree had stopped shaking before she turned the hood of her red sweatshirt inside out and shook out the nuts that had attacked her. They sort of looked like hazelnuts. If she could figure out a way to crack into them, they might not be a bad snack later.

A gentle scratching pulled her attention back to the situation. She peered across the menagerie's pathway, to the white wolf who was standing on his hind legs and batting at the bars of his own enclosure.

Scarlet had spent a lot of time wishing Ryu could leap over those bars. His enclosure's wall was waist high and he should have been able to clear it easily. Then Scarlet could pet his fur, scratch his ears. What a luxury it would be to have a bit of contact. She had always been fond of the animals on the farm — at least until it was time to slaughter them and cook up a nice ragoût — but she never realized how much she appreciated their simple affection until she had been reduced to an animal herself.

Unfortunately, Ryu wouldn't be escaping his confinement any sooner than Scarlet would. According to Princess Winter, he had a chip embedded between his shoulder blades that would give him a painful shock if he tried to jump over the rail. The poor creature had learned to accept his habitat a long time ago.

Scarlet doubted she would ever accept hers.
Thanks as always Breaking the Spine for hosting.

Also, have you had the chance to see this video, this song inspired by CINDER? Gorgeous!


  1. Oh I'm super stoked for Winter! <3 I've loved all of the Lunar Chronicles books so far, and I'm sure this will be just as fantastic. :)

    Aimee @ Deadly Darlings

    1. Yes! Although it will be a bit bittersweet too, since it is the last one for the series. I shall miss these characters.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Oh I am certain that Winter will not disappoint.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  3. I've got to get started on this series! Great pick!
    Check out my WOW

    1. The series is amazing. Of course, now the end is somewhat near, you can wait to read them all together. They're made for binge reading. Tight plotting and pacing make all of these a definite cohesive read if you were to hold off and read them all at once.


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