COMPENDIUM of REVIEWS: Creepy Books plus #Giveaway

Okay, so it's time to get my shorts out! Spring arrived and while some of you may not yet be rid of the snow, Florida is mostly sunny skies where I am. However, I rarely wear shorts, despite the heat but I sure do like shortened reviews when I have a lot of books to talk about and not enough brain power or motivation to write individual reviews for all the books I read in a year.

If I posted anything on Fangirlish though, I will make sure to link to that review or post.

Shall I start then?!

THE CEMETERY BOYS by Heather Brewer

Stephen, the main narrator, has an independent streak that accompanies a lot of shame knowing his mother has been hospitalized for her mental health safety. When Stephen learns Devon and Cara, both care for a mother who also has been burned by life, he thinks he has found loyal, understanding friends. Instead betrayal follows him and his father to the last page. Delightfully creepy, atmospheric and down-to-earth look at mental health issues, THE CEMETERY BOYS shows how superstitions seep into the spirit of a small town and allow citizens to justify murder.

Exclusive Blog Tour interview @Fangirlish
Exclusive Cover Reveal Interview @ Fangirlish

THE ALEX CROW by Andrew Smith:

THE ALEX CROW drew me in right away and then lost me somewhat in the middle only keeping my interest because of Ariel, the main narrator. Sad as it is to admit, but he and I deal with life a lot by hiding. In the end when he found his bearings and confronted Major Knott (spoilers if I say more); Ariel came through his harrowing death experiences with aplomb. And I couldn't help but cheer to know that Ariel and the Alex crow finished out the book finding their place in this world. It was poetic, if not justice for a boy who should have died multiple times over.

#KeepYAWeird Blog Tour @Fangirlish
Sneak Peek of The Alex Crow and Cover Reveal @Fangirlish

VANISHING GIRLS by Lauren Oliver:

Lauren Oliver writes some pretty prosaic phrases that stick with me as if poetry and yet VANISHING GIRLS did not read as beautifully as some of her other novels for me. A moody sibling tale shrouded in loss, mental instability and psychic familial ties. Or a creepy ghost story where the afterlife holds none of the appeal of sticking it out in the in-between world and haunting those you held dearest. Either way you wish to interpret it, works. And while Nick [Nicole Warren], isn't quite sure what is happening between her and her sister, Dara -- she only knows the rift between them seems to grow larger with each passing day and every effort Nick makes in hopes of gaining back Dara's trust. An unfolding mystery told in multiple perspectives (Nick and Dara) and includes letters and emails from many other characters to fill in the blanks. Communication is key and in the end when all is revealed, Nick finds the forgiveness she'd been seeking as well as an identity that belongs solely to her.



I have three ARCs -- one for each of the books I've written a short review of up above. If you would like to win these ARCs... see directions below. Yes, this is open internationally and ends next Monday (March 30th).

Let me know what creepy book you've read lately in the comments. That's all it takes to be entered. No retweeting, tweeting, liking or posting to your own account necessary. Of course, sharing is love!


  1. As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann or The Folk Keeper by Franny Billingsley.

    1. As Meat Loves Salt is a rather creepy title... I'm just saying. Wow! I have not heard of these, but I will be looking them up. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Consider yourself entered.

    2. YOU WON! Thanks for leaving a message.

  2. Mary: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan and Possess by Gretchen McNeil are two of the creepiest books I've read. And I'm always looking for more!

    1. I have had BOTH OF THESE! Woohoo... you have great taste in creepy books. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Consider yourself entered. :)

    2. You're welcome. Also, I deleted your other two comments in case you didn't want that profile showing up and didn't mean to repeat yourself. :)

  3. Ghost Baby! A glorious picture book circa 1970 featuring double exposed bw photos of a baby doll hovering above children as they played, went to school or ate dinner. This creepy wonderful book was found while weeding a library. I had to get that book away from children ASAP to avoid future nightmares

    1. Yeah... that book sounds like it would give me nightmares. Although Ransom Riggs has done a lot for vintage photographs and concocting a book or two around those photographs. He would probably love that picture book! Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment. Consider yourself entered.


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