#TopTenTuesday: Ten Hyped Books I've Never Read

Ohhhhh... this list could probably start wars. I know it is a bone of contention for people especially when they feel strongly about books and why they should be read before you make your critique. However, sometimes, I really... REALLY do not need to read a book to know all the reasons I would not like it.

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

#1 --> Grey by E. L. James

Nope. No. I attempted reading this series, the Fifty Shades of What the Heck am I reading because everyone swears it is soooooo good; but only made it halfway through the second book. Yes, I am one of those persons who are appalled by this series and the Twilight series for the reasons that I do not like my heroes in romances to be stalkers nor the females to be weak-willed and dependent upon the men for every breath they take. [Pun intended.]

#2 --> Matched by Ally Condie

For some reason when I started this book, it just didn't work for me. I might've read the first chapter but that's it and I have a signed copy of it and think Ally Condie is a darling person in a real life. A perfect example of real life and fictional work not being compatible for me. My daughter though owns the whole series and loves it.

#3 --> The Cuckoo's Calling by J. K. Rowling (Can I just put her instead?! I'm doing it. Sorry.)

I think that this series will get read. Only I read Casual Vacancy and it burned. So my hesitancy stems not from thinking I will not like these books, but just that Rowling can write and write hateful characters. So yeah... I needed a break from her adult style.

#4 --> Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman

Neil Gaiman is my favorite. The only person on this planet that I've completely lost my mind over... No. For real. I literally could not spin a sentence past "You're Neil Gaiman" when I met him in person. It ranks as one of my all time embarrassing moments. However, as much as I love him as an author, I could not get past my feeling that he somehow appropriated that title from its more important intent and so I have not read this one.

#5 --> The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

There's nothing about this book that should keep me from reading it, and yet I just don't know. Every time I read the synopsis, I'm like Uhm... do I really want to read it? So weird and it really bothers me because Emma Watson totally loves it, optioned it and is starring in it if the rumors are to be believed. Why can't I love this book?! I feel like a Just Read It slogan would be appropriate for me and this book.

#6 --> Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

In this instance, so many stinking people told me when I was a part of RWA and wrote reviews for them, that I should read this book. I wasn't really keen on it then and after reading about how Diana felt about transformative works... well, even though I understand how authors can feel threatened by fanfiction, in no way do I think it is comparable to rape. Such an ugly, irrational comparison that diminishes the horror of that act. So nope... I refuse to read this book or watch the show because of her words.

#7 --> The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner

How I have never read this book is beyond me?! Every time I see it... the guilt wells up and I'm like why have I not read this book yet?! It was on my amazon prime to review list way back before it came out and I meant to read it then! Now book 5 & 6 are in the works and I still haven't read this one... book numero uno.

#8 --> The Martian by Andy Weir

Someone explain to me why this book is considered so amazing?! For the life of me, I cannot find an ounce of interest in it or in the movie. Sorry... but not? I have so many books to read that if I don't connect with the plot right away, I cannot waste time forcing myself to read something.

#9 --> Me and Earl and The Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

This one I tried to read. Really, I got through maybe three chapters and gave up. I will watch the film and probably like it but while my daughter loved it, I am not a fan of such crass talk that goes on in this book. I know kids speak that way nowadays, but that doesn't mean I'm always up for reading it. Plus I thought this book was so slow moving.

#10 --> The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot

You know, Meg Cabot is adorable in person and has a wonderful story about how these books came into existence. But before I knew these stories were books, I had already fallen in love with the movies. And so, yeah... I never went back to read these even though I had the whole set at one time signed by Meg. Eventually they ended up in the bookstore I worked at for sale. It's all good though because those movies are like a dream come true when I'm in a bad mood.


  1. I haven't read Queen of the Tearling yet either but I really want to. I have the same issues as you though. I'll read eventually, I suppose. I really did like Matched, it gets much better and more exciting. Give it another try.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. Seems like a lot of people made it through the Matched series. Maybe I will revisit it one of these days. So glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with starting Queen of the Tearling.

      Happy Reading! :)

  2. I didn't get on with Me, Earl and The Dying Girl as much as I wanted to. I also wasn't a massive fan of Matched so I can see where you're coming from with that one. Great list! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Oh good, so it's not just me. My daughter laughed through and loved that book but I just couldn't connect. I really think it was an age thing. Ally Condie is so nice, I really wanted to like it a lot but again, there was something off with me and the way the story was told that I just could not get into it.

  3. I haven't read The Queen of the Tearling yet either! This is one I just need to sit down and read!! The Princess Diaries series is so different from the movies!

    My TTT

    1. Oh I know the books are different, but I just love the movies so irrationally much that I cannot bring myself to read the books. Silly I know.

      Happy Reading! :)

  4. I'm a crazy person because I finished The Fifty Shades trilogy because despite it being crappy I wanted to know what happens. I'm trying to restrain myself from reading Grey because I know it'll only make me angry but I'm not sure I'll be able to for a long time. Unfortunately I didn't enjoy The Matched trilogy either BUT I read the whole freaking series! It was in the library so I read it even though it did nothing but annoyed me. I'm so stupid. The Princess Diaries is sooo good in books! The movies are super-fun but the books are even more funny and awesome.
    Lovely list. :)
    My TTT

    1. Going through Fifty Shades of Grey one and then partly through 2 was torture. You are a better person than me. I couldn't finish it. So please to hear how many people have read the Princess Diaries. Pretty awesome. I love hearing how exuberant people get over certain book series.

      Happy Reading!

  5. Outlander bored me silly, so I say to skip it if you want. Too many other great books out there.

    Here's my TTT post!

    1. Good to know that there's even more reason to skip this book. I just cannot bring myself in good conscience to read it or watch the show even though the leading couple is gorgeous.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love the The Princess Diaries, when I was a young teen (14/15) I read then during the summer love the characters! Good list! Please feel free to see mine here http://wonderstruck-kcks.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-hyped-books-ive-never-read.html
    Happy Summer Reading!

    1. Yay for summer reading! It seems like everyone has read The Princess Diaries. Wow! Now I'm feeling left out.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I have read Matched. I enjoyed the books, but I didn't love them. Most of these, though, I haven't read. I really want to read Queen of the Tearling. Great list!

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

    1. Wild how many of us want to read Queen of the Tearling but have not got around to it. That book was so hyped everywhere I went online and in bookstores. Yeah... I don't know that I will ever get around to Matched.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I've been thinking about Queen of the Tearling too lately. Just not high up on the priority list.

    Check out mine: https://booksatdawn.wordpress.com/2015/07/07/hyped-books-ive-never-read-top-10-tuesdays/

    Jesse Nicholas @BooksatDawn

    1. That poor book, Queen of the Tearling it seems is on everyone's TBR pile but no highly prioritized. Good to know it is not just me.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Ooh I keep forgetting about The Cuckoo's Calling- one I want to check out but at the same time I think I'm scared because I loved Harry Potter so much.

    Here is mine :) http://busybrunettesbookshelf.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-hyped-books-ive-never.html

    1. I definitely could see how reading Rowling's adult books could cause anxiety in Harry Potter fans. It would upend the familiarity of her writing you've come to love so yeah... that might be why Casual Vacancy scarred me so.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I gave up in Earl and the Dying Girl too! Forgot about that one, it should have made my list. MyTTT

    1. Yeah... that book grated on my nerves and I wanted to like it because my daughter liked it so much. I'm pretty sure it's an age disconnect for me.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I actually have some of the same ones on my list except I eventually want to get to reading them (The Martian and Outlander). However they aren't at the top of the TBR!

    1. Understandable. I know a lot of people raving about how good The Martian is and none of them able to tell me why. I always am wary about that kind of hype.

      Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by!

  12. Great list! I haven't read any of these either, but I know lots of people love the Princess Diaries series, but like you I love the movies too!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. Yeah... The Princess Diaries is the popular you should read vote on this post. :)

  13. I really liked reading Outlander!!! Nice list of books this week for your TTT post.

    Here's a link to my TTT post this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-hyped-books-ive.html

    1. There's some really hyped books up there. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I tried Matched too, but it just wasn't for me...

    1. Oh good, so it wasn't just me then.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I read the first Princess Diaries book and thought it was cute. But I also felt wayyyy too old for it. It was just slightly more juvenile than what I'm used to in YA. I had no idea that the author of Outlander said that. Wow. That is totally offensive. I have a lot of authors that I won't read due to personal behaviors. I guess I'll put her on the list... although the size of that book scares me anyhow. And I will never read 50 Shades of Bondage. Because... gross!!!

    1. See... this is me I think. And also why Me and Earl and The Dying Girl and I didn't get along which I think is rather brilliant because it means Jesse totally nailed the high school voice.

      You and me... we are on the same wavelength about the other books you bring up. Gross is so right!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Oh, Grey. You don't have to convince me. I read the first two books and am not sure how I managed that. LOL

    The Casual Vacancy made my list because it sounds so boring to me. But I do love mysteries and so I'm willing to give Rowling's adult mystery series a try.

    Outlander almost made my list. It should have made my list.

    And The Martian. I want to want to read it, but I don't have that urge to. Maybe eventually, but it doesn't appeal to me right now.

    1. My moods require reading sacrifices. I think The Martian was one of those books. No urge to read it is exactly how I feel.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  17. You have to read the princess diaries, the books are so quirky and AMAZING! I want to read Outlander but... so intimidating!

    My List: http://www.millionbookmill.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-hyped-books-ive-never.html

    1. So many people here for the Princess Diaries. I'm surprised and just might pick them up because of the sheer numbers who said read them.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  18. I really should have put The Cuckoo's Calling on my list as well! I'm super curious about it, and The Queen of the Tearling as well! Great list!

    1. Yes... these books do tend to be hyped... a bit. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Ahhhh, THE QUEEN OF THE TEARLING. Some people LOVE it, others don't. If I'm being honest I'm not sure where I stand on the novel. On one hand--I thought it was well written. And on the other, it needed WAY more worldbuilding for my tastes.

    1. Ahhhh... see... this here might be why I am so hesitant. Not many people are gushing about it, but Emma Watson and I love her but reading a book just so I can say I've read the book before watching the movie seems silly of me.


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