'Waiting On' Wednesday #19: Velvet Undercover by Teri Brown

So I'm a fan of femme spy fatale characters. This cover, Velvet Undercover, fulfills my heart's desire in every regard for a throwback spy looking book. In fact, I cannot think of one bad cover for Teri Brown. She has such precise titles with pretty covers! 

Seriously, look her up and then go buy her books, okay? Okay. 

  • Title: Velvet Undercover
  • Publisher: Balzer + Bray
  • Publishing date: October 20, 2015
  • Author(s): Teri Brown
  • Series: Looks to be a standalone at the moment


Samantha Donaldson’s family has always done its duty for the British Crown. In the midst of World War I, seventeen-year-old Sam follows in their footsteps, serving her country from the homefront as a Girl Guide and messenger for the intelligence organization MI5. After her father disappears on a diplomatic mission, she continues their studies of languages, high-level mathematics, and complex puzzles and codes, hoping to make him proud.

When Sam is asked to join the famed women’s spy group La Dame Blanche she’s torn—this could be the adventure she’s dreamed of, but how can she abandon her mother, who has already lost a husband to the war? But when her handlers reveal shocking news, Sam realizes there’s no way she can refuse the exciting and dangerous opportunity.

Her acceptance leads her straight into the heart of enemy territory on a mission to extract the most valuable British spy embedded in Germany, known to the members of LDB only as Velvet. Deep undercover within the court of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Samantha must navigate the labyrinthine palace and its many glamorous—and secretive—residents to complete her assignment. To make matters worse she finds herself forming a forbidden attraction to the enemy-a dangerously handsome German guard. In a place where personal politics are treacherously entangled in wartime policy, can Samantha discover the truth and find Velvet before it’s too late…for them both?

From author Teri Brown comes the thrilling story of one girl’s journey into a deadly world of spycraft and betrayal—with unforgettable consequences.

As always thanks to Breaking the Spine for hosting.


  1. Oh I like the cover a lot! And yes! Bond if Bond were a girl, that was an excellent comparison. I love James Bond so I might just have to pick this up. Great pick!

    Christina @ Books & Prejudice

    1. Such a fan of Daniel Craig as Bond. So yeah... I really hope this book turns out to be something I adore because I've put some high expectations on it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. The cover is gorgeous and it sounds amazing! Thanks for sharing and stopping by my blog! =D

    Happy reading,
    Wendy (Cupcake Queen)
    My WoW pick: http://acupcakeandlatte.blogspot.ca/2015/08/waiting-on-wednesday-reign-of-shadows.html
    Recent post: Review on Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray http://acupcakeandlatte.blogspot.ca/2015/08/review-lair-of-dreams-by-libba-bray.html

    1. Doesn't it? I'm such a sucker for all things Bond, so well a female Bond type totally sounds right up my alley.

  3. I do love books set in this era...and the spy angle sounds so great. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. So retro... but modern at the same time. Happy Reading!

  4. Oh, I've seen the cover of this one somewhere. Love the sound of the story. Hope it is as good as it seems!

    1. Me too! I am looking forward to reading it.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Ah I like spy books, definitely looking forward to this too! And love the cover. Great pick! Thanks for sharing + stopping by by Bookmunchies

  6. This sounds really good, I'm very interested now. More and more I've found myself drawn to spy books and stories. Great pick!

    My WOW: http://tsundokubooks.blogspot.com/2015/08/waiting-on-wednesday-calamity.html

    1. Spy novels are making a comeback? Maybe. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Hey now. That looks exciting. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks for sharing this new-to-me author and for visiting my WoW post. I'll be looking for this author's other works now.

    1. Teri Brown is wonderful. Glad you'll check her out. Thanks for stopping by.


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