#TopTenTuesday: Ten Authors I Read the Most

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

So I am pretty pleased with this list. Unsurprising is how many of these authors are series creators. Really, yeah... I have a tendency to read all the books in a series whether I like the later books or not. OCD bookish tendencies, uhm... yeah. 

Per usual, I shall link to the Goodreads pages of these authors in hopes of you finding someone you end up loving and supporting by either requesting a copy for your library or purchasing a copy for yourself.

Of course, I have read all seven of the Harry Potter novels, the Fantastic Beasts and Quidditch Through the Ages, The Beedle Bard stories and Very Good Lives. Also, I read Casual Vacancy and own both the Robert Galbraith novels to date.

I have read every single book Julia Quinn has written. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. There's not a book out she's written that I have not read. I adore her witty, funny style.

Okay so this is a whole group of ghost writers, but I'm including them all in one because yeah... I read all the Nancy Drew series. Each and every one in each and every series. Yeppers.

Oh yeah, I have read the Anne of Green Gables and the Emily of New Moon series. Love both these characters a lot. 

The Old Kingdom series is the best ever! I also have read The Keys to the Kingdom and The Seventh Tower Series. Such a prolific writer and amazing for young adults. Of course, I've read Newt's Emerald  too. Such a cute romance!

Okay so this series was written by multiple persons who actually got credit during a time where ghost writers normally didn't get it. However, I loved this series and read all these books when I was in middle school.

She might not have a huge lot of books, but I've read everything that's in print so far. If I could get my hands on a Carry On ARC, I'd be ecstatic. For now, I have to be satisfied knowing that she'll continue writing books I adore. 

Oh yeah... I read all the books in the Little Women series. Yeah... there's a lot more books and spinoff books in this series. The book I absolutely loved though was An Old Fashioned Girl. Adore also, Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom.

Adore the Enola Holmes series so much. Of course, that's not the only books of hers I have read. Have you read her remixed stories she has written featuring the daughter of Robin Hood and Arthurian legends. So much fun!

Rather adore Inspecter Lynley. Such a great series. The show on PBS was fantastic too even if it didn't follow the characters at all. It featured a lot of favorite actors who are well known now. 


  1. I easily could have added Keene - I'm not sure how many I've read, but it's a lot! I have read the first Enola Holmes book and I really enjoyed it. :)

    1. The covers are amazing for the Enola Holmes series too. Love the vintage feel of them much like how happy I was to see the Nancy Drew makeover covers recently. Very retro vintage and so very fitting.

  2. I have JK Rowling on my list too. When I was a kid I read a lot of RL Stine and Ann M Martin. :-D

    My Top Ten.

    1. I wasn't a huge Babysitters Club fan. However, yeah... I did read R. L. Stine. Funny how everyone has that one author everyone else has from their early years. :)

  3. Awesome to see some Julia Quinn love on another list today! Great choices!
    My TTT

    1. Always and forever Julia Quinn -- the woman has mad humor dialogue that makes me laugh and laugh. :)

    2. YES! So awesome to have interesting multi faceted characters, clever writing and brilliant dialogue all in one. People do not give romance enough credit!

    3. I know right?! I am forever having to explain how romance easily is my go-to choice when I want fast paced mystery, great dialogue and an ending that isn't going to disappoint me.

  4. Elizabeth George was high on my list too. I didn't even consider Carolyn Keene; I bet she would have been up there. Trixie Belden was a more interesting character--funny how Trixie and Nancy lead to Barbara Havers, right? And 8 Cousins was my favorite after Little Women. I like everyone on your list a lot, except I've never heard of Nancy Springer or Julia Quinn, so now I'm going to go look them up!

    1. LOL! I wouldn't have made that connection but yeah... I really adore Barbara in the books and in the show. So probably. Nancy Springer is more middle grade but I'm a sucker for all things Sherlock and Enola Holmes! Julia Quinn is the best comfort read I've ever found. Adore her.

  5. I adore Rainbow Rowell as well. I can't wait for more books from her. I still need to read Harry Potter (I know!)but I have read her Robert Galbraith novels. Great list!

    1. Agreed. Rainbow Rowell has quickly become a favorite in this house and I don't see her popularity waning in any way. Oh for the love of Harry Potter, you should try them at least when you have time to be sucked into them. They're really books you don't want to miss out on.

  6. I read all the Trixie Belden and Bobbsey Twins books when I was young. Wish I'd kept a list!

    Here's my Top Ten Authors I've Read the Most. Love to have you stop by!

  7. I love Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom in high school. I need to re-read them.;)
    Rowling and Keene should if made my list as well.;)
    Great list!
    Here is mine: http://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/2015/08/take-ten-authors-i-have-read-most-books.html?m=1

    1. I have heard a lot of that today. We all have so many authors we love and sometimes the lists totally freeze my brain and I leave books and authors I love. Yeah... I failed a lot of my favorites today.

  8. I loved the Nancy Drew books growing up! It's not surprising that I still really like mysteries, given how much I liked the genre even as a child. :-) I don't remember reading Trixie Belden, but I know I must have. Elizabeth George is an author I want to read more of at some point. I have most of her older books, but haven't read many of them. I bought the books when I was on an e-bay buying binge, buying entire series all at once for really low prices. Great list!

    1. Elizabeth George has good ones, amazing ones and so-so ones so it was smart to get the books off of e-bay. You probably got a good deal on them and that way you will not be disappointed in the ones that are only okay then. :)

  9. This is a wonderful list! I want to read a lot of books you mentioned. I don't know how I grew up in the Dakotas and only read one Little House book. For shame!

    1. Funny! I have read all the Little House on the Prairie books. :)

  10. We have two authors in common, J.K. Rowling and Rainbow Rowell. I love both of them! I'm from Colombia, so I didn't read the Nancy Drew series when I was growing up, but I have been hearing about it for a while and I'm really curious. Great list!

    1. Awesome! Great choices. Nancy Drew is an amazing hero. If you get a chance you might want to read a few Nancy Drew novels if you can.

  11. Oh, this is a great list! I love this. Julia Quinn is one of my faves, though I haven't read all of her books, and YES to LM Montgomery and Louisa May Alcott. I remember An Old Fashioned Girl! Tom/Polly! I really liked Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom myself, though I haven't read them in years. And like you, I love Anne and Emily of New Moon!

    TTT@The Midnight Garden

    1. Tom & Polly! YESSSSSS... We like a lot of the same books. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  12. I love L. M. Montgomery and Rainbow Rowell, too! The only Rainbow book I have yet to read is Eleanor & Park, but I hope to get to it soon :) - Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks

    1. Eleanor & Park is amazing. Sad, hopeful and just adorable in how it takes the worst of humanity and make it the setting of a darling romance. Rainbow has a gift!

  13. NANCY DREW!!!!!! I left those books off the list *because* of the ghost writer thing, but I too read ALLLLLLLLLLL OF THEMMMMMMMMMM. The original ones, the Nancy Drew Files... anything and everything. Ugh. I loved them so much.

    1. Omigosh... yes! I wasn't sure if anyone would remember that there were more than just the original series. Yes... I actually adored The Nancy Drew Files covers too as much as the stories. :)

  14. I loved the Little Women books too! I've read Little Women 3 or 4 times now, and I don't usually re-read books! Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting Bookworm Book Reviews!

    1. Oh yeah, I have read Little Women and the accompanying books multiple times too. Those are great books for the shelves.

  15. I read a few Trixie Belden books when I was a kid (probably a teen), but never got into Nancy Drew... mainly because I didn't love mysteries when I was young. Now, I adore them and apparently, I never went back to revisit Nancy Drew. Someday I should read a few. Just because. :)

    1. Nancy Drew is well worth reading as an adult especially certain titles.

  16. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET CAROLYN KEENE?!? Kicking myself! lol My TTT which is sadly Nancy-Drew-less.

    1. I know right?! It's how this day has gone for me. Oh look, I've got a list that's pretty good and then I see others and am like I failed so badly at compiling the most readable of authors who I'd like to promote.

  17. I love the Nancy Drew series too! Nancy Drew is such a bad ass! I haven't read Anne of Green Gables (gasp!) so I really need to get on that as everyone loves that series!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. Yes she is! She was a magnificent hero for my preteen self. Anne is a wonderful character too. Definitely worth reading. :)

  18. Yay for Garth Nix and Rainbow Rowell! Oh man, I've been meaning to read more Julia Quinn; I read her book The Duke and I last year and absolutely loved it. My copy of Just Like Heaven arrived today so I'm looking foward to reading that too; I love how hilarious and charming her novels are. Great list!

    Thanks for dropping by
    my TTT earlier this week :)

    1. Julia Quinn writes the most delightfully humorous novels. The Duke and I definitely is up high on my fave romance list.

      Happy Reading!

  19. OMG!!!! I can't believe I left Carolyn Keene off my list! I'm obsessed with Nancy Drew and getting all of the books! Happy reading! :)


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