#TopTenTuesday: Top Ten Books I've Read So Far in 2015

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

If you follow me on Goodreads, you'll know I'm about 21 books behind my goal of reading 100 books this year. No pressure! None, right? Anyone else panic when they log onto Goodreads or feel awfully proud when they're going on to write a review? That's me lately, LOL! 

--> An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

--> Lock & Mori by Heather Petty

--> Cress by Marissa Meyer

--> Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

--> Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

--> Half Wild by Sally Green

--> Jackaby by William Ritter

--> Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles

--> The DUFF by Kody Keplinger 

--> My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins


  1. :) Happy to see Half Wild here. I read that too this year very good!
    Marissa Meyer is on my TBR-list, as well as all Rainbow Rowell books...have you read all of them? What do you think would be best to start?

    And DUFFF XD also on my TBR. Other books I am not too familiar with.

    Oh I hate my Goodreads (or I love it butI don't like how I slowly but surely keep getting more and more books in "you are X books behind your goal"

    1. LOL! I know... I keep plugging away and hopefully making a dent in that gap between my goal and the amount of books I am behind.

      I have read all of Rainbow Rowell's books, yes! To start with depends... I began with Fangirl, then Eleanor & Park, then Attachments and then Landline. It worked out well for me. I cried a bit in all of them, but they're all uplifting if that makes sense.

      The DUFF is excellent! I have reviewed all of the books you mentioned here on this site. You should check them out and maybe the reviews would help you better decide where to start.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I have a few of these book on my tbr pile so I'm really pleased to see they made your list.

    I hope you are able to reach your reading goal :-) I think I may be a few books ahead at the moment.

    Sharon – Obsession with Books

    1. Awesome! So many books, so little time it seems like, yes?

      Yay for you though. Being ahead sounds wonderful. Go you.

  3. What a fantastic list full of many books i have read and loved or want to read. So may books, so little time. Here is my TTT

    1. Yes... THIS... I do not think I shall ever get caught up but I am trying. :)

  4. I still can't believe I haven't read anything by Rainbow Rowell!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week: http://captivatedreader.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-ive-read.html

    1. Oh Rainbow Rowell is really worth your time. Maybe sneak her in between some heavy books so you know you'll get your uplifting ending. :)

  5. You've got some amazing books on here! I love Eleanor and Park, Cress, An Ember In the Ashes and My True Love Gave To Me! I really want to read Jackaby soon... thank you for sharing!
    My TTT

    1. Oh Jackaby was such a quick read and I'm pleased that I got it in this year because of the next book coming out in September. Well worth your time.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I still need to read The Duff! SO behind on that! Love Eleanor and Park! Oh and wasn't My True Love Gave to Me such a good collection??? And this reminds me I need to read Cress -- loved Cinder and Scarlet!

    1. Yes! My True Love Gave to Me is wonderfully happy-making and I'm excited that it is getting a companion novel. Love it!

      Lunar Chronicles... Marissa Meyer is a genius and I wish I had a quarter of her talent for pacing, world-building and character development. She's a packaged deal.

  7. The Lunar Chronicles are one of my favorite series ever. I love that the books just keep getting better and better, Cress was far the best so far. Lovely list. :)

    1. Agreed on the Lunar Chronicles. Cress really upped the plotting but also, Marissa makes sure she doesn't leave the character development behind at all when the story starts being more action-filled. She has amazing pacing!

      Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Oh I LOVE Attachments - My fav Rainbow Rowell book!! My True Love Gave to Me is one I have been meaning to get to - Great list!!

    1. My True Love Gave to Me is definitely such a great anthology because everything sort of flows in and out but is focused on the prettiness of falling in love. I really did enjoy every story (of course some more than others) and am excited that Stephanie Perkins is pulling together another group of authors to create a companion anthology to it.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I've only read a few of these, but a lot of them are on my TBR pile. I can't wait for Winter to come out!! Thanks for stopping by earlier!

    Christina @Books & Prejudice

    1. Yes, Winter!!! So excited because did you see she's binding up all the short stories as well as writing a new one for Stars Above?! I'm glad to have a little more from the universe. Marissa Meyer has done an amazing job keeping each of those stories familiar in their fairy tale bits but so unique in their retelling.

      You must have great taste in reading then! I've spent quite a bit of my time saying oh so many of these are on my TBR pile today too.

  10. Great list! I love Cress and I really enjoyed My True Love Gave to Me when I read it. :) I still need to cross Eleanor & Park off my TBR, I'm so behind the times...

    1. Just like me! That is how I felt starting this year out and was determined to get to some of the older titles on my TBR list. It has been fun and really good for me because a lot of them have not been heavy. Light reading does the soul good I think and especially since I've been so busy and they have all been mostly quick reads.

  11. I can't believe I haven't read An Ember in the Ashes yet! Gah! I need to get on that! I just read (and loved) Cinder, so I'm working my way to Cress.Great list! I need to read Lock & Mori and Jackaby. I sort of broke the rules this week since I already did this topic on a freebie week a few weeks ago. I had to come up with something else.

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. They're still trying to name the fandom, however An Ember in the Ashes is so worth bumping up the reading list. Although, let me say that you should read the Lunar Chronicles first, because I ADORE those books and they just build upon each other perfectly. Lock & Mori and Jackaby are so wonderful, especially if you're a Sherlockian.

  12. Oh Eleanor & Park! Loved it! I haven't read the others yet but they are all on my TBR list. I've got Half Bad but haven't started it yet. Great list. Thanks for sharing and for the visit!

    1. Eleanor & Park is wonderful. So smartly plotted for a book that's character-focused.

  13. I'm so glad to see Read Between the Lines on a list!! I've been wanting to read it, but no one ever reads the books I'm excited about for me to see if they're good or not! I also loved The Lunar Chronicles. ...and I still need to read E&P :(

    Thanks for stopping by My list!

    1. Read Between the Lines surprised me! It was really good and so uplifting and empathetic.

  14. Oh I just saw Lock & Mori on someone's WoW last week and now I NEED it! I also love the DUFF!! So many great picks today!!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT!!

    1. Lock & Mori is ahhhhh-mazing! Such a great character - Mori. Also, yay for more The DUFF love. :)

  15. Glad to see Half Wild and Jackaby on your list! By the way, I like the design of your blog. :)

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Awww... thanks!

      Half Wild and Jackaby are both fantastical in very different ways but both have some great, memorable characters.

  16. I need to read Lock and Mori and Jackaby yet! Glad to see you enjoyed them enough to put them on this list! I also loved Eleanor and Park, I really need to read more from Rowell.
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. Lock & Mori is fantastic and so unique in its narrative and Mori definitely could become one of my favorite characters ever. Rainbow Rowell is wonderful.

  17. Nice picks. Your list is filled with books I am really excited to read, so I am happy to here you enjoyed them all. Half Wild and The DUFF made my list too, I absolutely loved both of those books. Here's my TTT.

    1. Yay for bookish favs overlap. They were fantastic.

  18. Oh I love, love, love Attachments and E&P! They were both on my favorites list the year I read them. I've been hearing such great things about Ember. I need to start it soon.

    1. Yes, An Ember in the Ashes is good. Such a great 2015 choice. Yeah... I adored all these titles.

  19. I haven't read any on your list...yet. I can't wait to read Ember in the Ashes, and Eleanor and Park, and Cress. I need to read faster, or fnd a way to extend my days. Great list!

  20. Replies
    1. Yeeeeeesssssss... more Rainbow Rowell is always a good idea. :)

  21. Cress was so good! I can't wait for Winter to come out! I've been wanting to read An Ember in the Ashes! I've heard so many great things. I should also read more Rainbow Rowell, I've only read Fangirl. Thanks for sharing!

    Anjie @ Love thy Shelf

    1. WINTER needs to arrive right now. The wait is killing me. So excited for it too! An Ember in the Ashes is amazing.

      Also, more Rainbow Rowell is always a good idea.

  22. This is an awesome list! I still need to read SO many of these, including The Duff and Cress. I'm super curious about Jackaby as well. :)

    1. Jackaby is excellent! You should check it out. Of course after The DUFF and Cress (or the Lunar Chronicles if you haven't even started this series) because it sounds like you've been holding off reading those for awhile.

  23. Ooh I loved Cress! :-) It looks like you've read some great books this year so far. Great list! :-)

    1. Thanks. I really have read some excellent books for sure!

  24. Hi Beth, Thought I'd comment here too :) Great list, I can't wait to read Jackaby, the Lunar Chronicles and An Ember in the Ashes now.

    I have only read Half Wild from your list, and I think it was definitely better than book 1. The Characters had more depth and the storyline was better paced. :)

    Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by!
    Rachel @ Paein and Ms4Tune

    1. Yes, I thought that about Half Wild too. And usually I am not a fan of second books, because I feel like they are the weakest usually.

      Jackaby is fantastic and oh the Lunar Chronicles probably wormed its way into my top ten favorite series of all time somewhere along the way. Marissa has brilliantly re-imagined fairytales that I love in such a way that the story is completely hers but oh so familiar. So unique.

      Thank you for stopping by and Happy Reading. :)

  25. Ooh -- I loved Cress! Very excited for Winter. And I can't WAIT to read AN EMBER IN THE ASHES; I've seen it in SO many of this week's lists!

    1. An Ember in the Ashes was one of those surprise me books. The hype was there and I knew it but wasn't really blown away by the synopsis. So I think my expectations were not blown out of proportion. That said, Sabaa exceeds expectations with how tightly honed the character development is and reasoning behind their actions so that any plot holes (and there are a few) don't really hurt the story overall or the pacing.

  26. Cress and Jackaby are on my list to read! I'm thinking I especially need to read Jackaby, since it made it onto a lot of lists.;)
    Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Great book choices! I love them both. Thank you for stopping by.

  27. The only ones I have read are Cress (loved) and the holiday anthology one (loved some stories, didn't care for others.) There are quite a few up there that are on my TBR. I'll have to get to them soon.

    Dreams @ Once Upon A Dream Books

    1. Yes, both of those - Cress and My True Love Gave to Me. That was me most of Tuesday... I've got so many books to add to my TBR pile after looking at everyone's Top Ten Tuesday.

  28. Yay Jackaby! An Ember in the Ashes was one of those new releases that I identified at the beginning of the year as really wanting to read but I haven't gotten to it yet. So glad to see it showing up on a bunch of lists!

    1. Jackaby is wonderful, isn't it?! The An Ember in the Ashes just go a fandom name -- Emberlings. :)

  29. Glad Cress made your list! :) I have been wanting to read The Duff too! I started watching the movie but it was just not as interesting as I thought it would be. I also started reading An Ember in the Ashes but I couldn't get into it. I may start reading this again later... :)

    1. The DUFF is so wonderful as a book. I agree that the movie isn't nearly as compelling as the book. Cress was amazing, right?!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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