#TopTenTuesday: Top Ten Books I Would Like to See as a Movie/TV Show

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

You know, you think these lists would be easy and then yeah, they aren't. However, let's give this list a go, because there have been some wonderful books lately that I have specifically thought, why isn't this story being optioned for film or television. 

1} Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: These fairytale retellings, that are a grunge-steampunk epic space odyssey remind me of the brilliance of Firefly and Buffy the Vampire Slayer which means... Joss Whedon, have you read these books?! Please do and then turn them into a movie. Okay. Thanks.

2} Bridgerton Series by Julia Quinn: Always and forever, I will want to see these stories turned into film. The Duke and I, The Viscount Who Loved Me and so forth... these siblings and their spouses are hilarious, mostly because Julia Quinn has a way with witty, funny dialogue like no other. Give this woman a pen and she will make you laugh.

3} Lock & Mori Series by Heather Petty: I don't even need a second book in this series to know that these characters would translate extremely well to a TV screen! It probably doesn't speak to my bias that Young Sherlock Holmes remains one of my favorite films of all time, does it? Or that BBC Sherlock gets watched on repeat here?

4} A Darker Shade of Magic Series by V. E. Scwab: These books have all the makings of a fantastic movie. If you like The Prestige or are intrigued by the upcoming Magicians from SyFy... you're on board with this choice!

5} Leviathan Series by Scott Westerfeld: A historical retelling with imaginary steampunk elements that just beg for a special effects division to bring to life. Amazing sets and strong female hero types that totally rule the big screen. Brad Bird, I am looking at you!

6} The Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix: To be honest, I am surprised this series has yet to make it to the big screen. An older fantasy series, it still is one of the most brilliant series of all times and again with kick-butt female heroes that deal with their problems realistically even if they're living in a made-up world and can walk the waters of death.

7, 8, 9} The Song of the Lioness Quartet, Wild Magic or Trickster Series by Tamora Pierce: Never ever will I stop wanting to see the Tortall characters show up on the big screen. Also, has anyone else read THIS ARTICLE and just been like YES... to all of THIS!

10} Bartimaeus Sequence by Jonathan Stroud: A pesky demon with an affinity to humans that gets him burned nearly every single time. However, with Nate, he suddenly finds out that no matter who or what you are, eventually you will be called upon to make a decision that will forever alter your life. Yeah... these books are amazing and would do so well if made into films. David Heyman aren't you due for another fantasy series?! 


  1. Ha, yes! I see what you mean, our lists do overlap a bit. Leviathan would make a GREAT movie/show, and I totally agree that Brad Bird would know exactly how to handle it. BTW, what version of the Old Kingdom covers are those because I think I need to own them! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!

    1. Those Old Kingdom covers are the Australian reissues. Aren't they gorgeous?! Yeah... somehow someway I need to get Brad Bird those books and plant the idea of turning Leviathan into a movie.

  2. very interesting list, all new to me! fairytale retellings sounds great!

    1. The Lunar Chronicles is wonderful especially for the space steampunkish elements. The plots are solid and world-building is phenomenal. I cannot recommend this series enough.

      Also, Lock & Mori isn't out yet, but will is available for preorder. It has a high school Sherlock and Moriarty that really sold me on the idea of these characters if younger and Moriarty were female.

  3. I still need to read the Lunar Chronicles but I would imagine they would be awesome movies!

    1. Oh so much... those books definitely would be epic as films. I really do hope they get optioned. Winter is coming... LOL! Sorry GoT pun made for a YA series. However, yeah... Winter the last book in the series will be out this fall and you can binge read the entire series then. :)

  4. I have seen so many great comments and reviews on the Lunar Chronicles. On of these days...err years, maybe I'll get to read them. Or perhaps, I'll see them on the big screen. ;)

    1. Winter comes out this fall, so you could wait and put it on your holiday list of series to read. That way the entire story from start to finish will be complete. Even better, if they make it to the big screen. :)

  5. I would love to see Cinder as a movie - I'm yet to read the next books, but I'm sure they would be great on screen too.

    1. They work as individual books but shine as a whole together. Even though I have not read Winter yet, I do believe that it will be one of my favorites and that the way the Lunar Chronicles was written, the concept would translate brilliantly to the big screen.

  6. Totally agree with the Lunar Chronicles, and YES to ADSOM! I think that would be an amazing on-screen translation! Fabulous list!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. A Darker Shade of Magic needs to be a movie, because the potential for amazing sets is there and I just really want to see that world as a physical place.

      Lunar Chronicles seems to be a favorite this week for this list and I'm hoping since it is someone out there takes notice. :)

  7. I agree with "The Lunar Chronicles." I'd be sooo happy if they became films. :-D

    1. Wouldn't it be wonderful! The Lunar Chronicles in movie format would be a heck of a film. :)

  8. I totally agree about the Lunar Chronicles books! Those would be awesome movies. I NEED TO READ A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC! I love Victoria Schwab's writing so much. Also, I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer, too! It is such a great show but hardly anyone I know, besides my dad, has seen it...

    1. Yes! Buffy the Vampire Slayer is amazing, isn't it?! And yeah, I really would like that feel for the Lunar Chronicles but slicker, you know what I mean. More epic and big screen.

  9. Oh wow, if Joss Whedon made The Lunar Chronicles movie, it would be amazing. I unfortunately haven't read any of the other series on your list, but one of these days I'll get to Garth Nix's series!

    1. Right?! Joss would be a perfect match up with The Lunar Chronicles! And I cannot recommend Garth Nix's the Old Kingdom series enough. Definitely... you need to put it on your TBR pile. :)


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