"Waiting On" Wednesday #11: Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

More Lunar Chronicles could not come at a better time! The end is nigh people and hearing that Marissa Meyer is going to do her best to expand upon the universe even if it means only the addition of shorts in an anthology featuring already been published short stories elsewhere, I still am beyond pleased. As one of the many who read her extras on wattpad, knowing I can finally have them all plus new words in a compilation, a physical book... isn't that brilliant news?! Who's hurrahing with me?!

  • Title: Stars Above
  • Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
  • Publishing date: February 2, 2016
  • Author(s): Marissa Meyer
  • Series: The Lunar Chronicles

A Lunar Chronicles Collection titled STARS ABOVE includes:
  • Glitches: A prequel to Cinder, detailing Cinder’s first weeks after her cyborg surgery and her introduction to her new stepfamily.
  • The Queen’s Army: A prequel to Scarlet, telling the story of one soldier in Levana’s army who is determined not to become the monster everyone expects him to be.
  • Carswell’s Guide to Being Lucky: A prequel to Cress, expanding on some of Carswell Thorne’s exploits when he was a young man with big dreams.
  • The Princess and the Guard: A never-before-released prequel to Winter, chronicling the friendship between Winter and Jacin and answering some frequently asked questions about Winter, her insanity, and her scars.
  • The Little Android: Retelling of Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid,” in which an android falls in love with a human boy.
  • BRAND NEW as-yet-to-be-determined story!
    SNEAK PEEK of Marissa's first non-TLC novel, Heartless
    POSSIBLE GLIMPSE of super-secret project
Now there's good news and bad news along with this announcement for fans though. First off... good news, right? No panicking because initially I feared that the release of Winter might be delayed with all this talk of new words. However, that is not the case. The last novel of The Lunar Chronicles is still on target.

WINTER will still release November 10, 2015!

The "bad/sad/okay I can deal with this news since everything else is so freaking amazing about this post" news -- is that Heartless, Marissa's next novel and first non-TLC book, has been delayed by nearly nine months! Yikes. Sorry folks.

HEARTLESS will now be out on November 8, 2016 rather than February 2016 as originally planned since STARS ABOVE is now coming out February 2, 2016!

As always thanks to Breaking the Spine for hosting.

* much of this blog post was crossposted to Fangirlish


  1. I need to play catch up with the Lunar Chronicles series, this sounds quite exciting!

    Thank you for sharing :-) Sharon – Obsession with Books

    1. Oh wow! You should read The Lunar Chronicles if you adore space steampunk fractured fairy tales. It's a brilliant blend of all these things and more. I am in awe of this series, because it's really magnificently well-done in all the ways. Winter comes out the end of this year and then the anthology in February. If you started now with the first four books; you could draw out the story probably so that you read them all together.

  2. I just saw this on Marissa Meyers twitter and I gotta say, I am super super excited for it!!!!

    1. So freaking excited here too!!! She's taking suggestions for the ytbd story too. Did you see that?! I have so many ideas whose character I'd like to see expanded. Do you?

  3. Marissa Meyer is such a great author. Can't wait for this one.
    My Waiting on Wednesday

    1. Marissa writes so fast paced but doesn't lack for details or tight plot. She's brilliant! :)

  4. I still have to start The Lunar Chronicles, but this just makes me want to catch up with it quite fast! Thanks for sharing :)

    Here's my WoW!

    1. Well, you could always wait until November when Winter comes out and binge read them to catch up. Then you'll have the amazing conclusion already on hand. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. I think I'll follow your suggestion, thanks! :)

      Btw, I'm a new follower via Bloglovin' ;)

    3. Awww... thanks! I have to remember my login for Bloglovin because gulps... I forgot it and it will not let me in anymore.

      LOL! I have a feeling a lot of us will wait and reread the entire series come November too just to get the best overall experience from having the series whole. So exciting!

  5. I haven't read this series but a bundle with extras by a favoruite author is always a treat for the reader!

    1. Such a treat! It's a great series. I really cannot recommend it highly enough because it fits so many people's like-boxes.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love Marissa Meyer!
    here's my WOW

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

    1. Her talent shows up in spades with how deftly she has written The Lunar Chronicles, for sure!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I just saw the news about this! While I haven't read any of the books in the series besides Cinder (which I liked), I do like the look of this bind-up :) I hope you enjoy this book when you read it, Beth! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. Oh I have no doubts about its wonderfulness. I have read many of the stories already on Wattpad so that helps. Thanks!

  8. I had no idea this was coming out! Awesome! I'm finishing up Cinder right now and I'm hoping to be caught up in time for Winter. Great pick!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My WoW

    1. Isn't it great news! So excited about it even though Heartless got moved. How are you enjoying Cinder? Marissa does such a good job keeping the plot tightly wound up and unspooling it slowly through each book. I hope you like it!

  9. :O How did I not know about this??? I've read Glitches, The Queen's Army and The Little Android but to have them, plus more, as an anthology. Oooooooh!

    My WOW

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

    1. The Little Android is so precious! I love that one. I'm pleased so many authors are compiling their shorts into book form. It makes it so much easier for me to keep track of them. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. How did i not know about this one? I still have to read Cress but i'm hoping I can binge read the last three boks once Winter comes out (i'm counting Fairest as one of the books FYI) aha, thanks for putting this one on my radar! i'll read whatever Meye decides to give us!

    1. Marissa just announced it so it's still making rounds on the great wide world of social media. :)

      Glad to have given you a heads up though. Everyone should be celebrating about it! Woohoo!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Great choice! I love it when short stories are combined into books.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  12. Ohhh that's so cool! I only read Cinder yet but loved it so, so much! I definitely need to get to the other books SOON! :D

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!
    Yvonne @ A World Between Folded Pages

    1. Cinder is wonderful and the series only gets better with each book. Hope you have a chance to read the other books before Winter and Stars Above show up. :)

  13. So happy that you get another book in this world! I didn't realize that there was another book coming out. Waiting to start this series after all the books are released.

    My WoW

    1. Lucky you being able to start the series and not have to wait like the rest of us who didn't hold off until it was finished. :)

  14. Oh totally awesome I will definitely be get this when it comes out... Thanks for sharing and checking out my page earlier.

    My WOW
    Carolyn @GeekGirlOTP

    1. Yes! This book will definitely be on my must-have list too in the new year. Happy Reading!

  15. I have only read the prequel novella and Cinder so far... It's good in a way that I have more time to get to the other books before even more are released next year ;)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. The end of this year brings the last one, so you have time to catch up but then have the entire series complete so no having to wait. :)


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