#TopTenTuesday: Top Ten Books on my Summer TBR Pile

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

So there's a lot of overlap with this list and the beach reads from a couple of weeks ago. However, I did already get Jackaby and Throne of Glass books off the list. Do hope to get more reviews written... and I'm a Percy Pack blogger for Fangirlish so it's going to be a lot of fun over there if you want to check out the special posts for the 10th Anniversary celebration of that series. 

To All the Boys I Loved Before by Jenny Han
P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Emmy and Oliver by Robin Benway
Denton Little's Deathdate by Lance Rubin
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Pretty Dark Nothing by Heather Reid
Pretty Dark Sacrifice by Heather Reid
Get Even by Gretchen McNeil
Get Dirty by Gretchen McNeil

Of course, there's so many more, but I'm most interested in these right now for myself. My children always have lists too and I usually try to read the books on their lists too. So I only included the books just for me right now. 

Looking forward to reading everyone else's list too because I always forget about books for the TBR pile and only remember them after seeing them show up on these lists. That's why I love participating in Top Ten Tuesday and Waiting On Wednesday.


  1. I'd love to read Jenny Han's duology as well. I started book one then had to put it aside (for now) because of review copies. Here's hoping I finish it because they - along with "Anna and the French Kiss," seem like perfect summer reads. :)

    1. Agreed! Summer is for lovin', am I right?! Plus you know, when you're vacationing and taking time off sometimes it's nice to avoid dark and heavy books. Just my personal opinion, but one I think others relate to.

  2. SO MANY GREAT BOOKS. Seriously, ACOTAR, Jenny Han's duology, and Anna are all on my favorites list. Enjoy these beautiful babies! <3

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

    1. Thank you! I've only heard great things about these books. :)

  3. Oh, man! I totally forgot about Emmy & Oliver! I've heard such good things about it. I still haven't read A Court of Thorns and Roses yet either, so I hope I can squeeze it in this summer, too. Great list, good luck with it!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT


    1. Thanks. You too! I know the feeling of being overwhelmed. Reading everyone else's list is doing me in and making me realize how many I've actually left out. Yikes!

  4. I hope you get around To All the Boys... and PS I Still Love You soon... I really enjoyed both! I've been hoping to get my hands on ACOTAR but it's still not available locally. Hope you enjoy your summer reads! :)

    czai @ the Blacksheep Project

    1. Must admit, I'm pretty lucky to have access to most books at anytime. My ACOTAR copy is on the shelf waiting to be read. I really am looking forward to reading Jenny Han's books because everyone I know adores them. Thanks for the extra rec. :)

  5. I really love your list! I want to read P.S. I Still Love You, Emmy & Oliver and Denton Little's Death Date. I really enjoyed To All the Boys I've Loved Before and Anna and the French Kiss (and the other books in the series) Happy reading!

    1. Both Stephanie Perkins and Jenny Han are coming with high praise, so I'm pretty excited to read them. We own a copy of Denton Little's Death already. Must track down Emmy & Oliver. Oh the joys of being obsessed with books. :)

  6. Summer is such a great time for reading around here! Enjoy!

    Here's what I plan to read this summer!

    1. Yes it is. Thank heavens for summer and books... lots of books. :)

  7. I still need to read ACOTAR! I hope you like it. Great list!

    1. My copy is on the shelf mocking me as I read everything that must be read for review since responsibilities. I cannot wait though to get to it. Hope you enjoy it too when you get your copy. :)

  8. To All the Boys I Loved Before and P.S. I Still Love You are fantastic reads. Jenny Han's writing is heartfelt and captivating! After you read Anna and the French Kiss, make sure to check out Lola and the Boy Next Door and Isla and the Happily Ever After.

    1. LOL! Yeah... Stephanie Perkins is adorably sweet. For some reason I've missed reading her despite loving the anthology of Holiday stories she curated and edited featuring some of my favorite authors. I definitely plan on reading all of those. Jenny Han's praises keep being sung today. Must read her books.

  9. Anna and the French Kiss is the PERFECT summer read! I really hope you enjoy it! Great choices!
    My TTT

    1. Thanks... everyone here is just full of praise for these books on my list. I am dying to get to them. So hello summer reading!

  10. Very nice list. I love making these lists too, I'm always finding books that I have forgotten about and need to read. I'm with you, there are books that I added because of my kiddo wanting to read them. Happy reading.

    My list for Summer TTT

    1. Yes, we've got make sure the kiddos are reading too, right? Lists are great and remind me of all the books I have not read. Stressful but fun at the same time.

  11. Hi, I love Anna and the French Kiss, it's great for the summer! I also have Emmy and Oliver on my list for this Summer, I can't wait, it sounds so cute!

    Hope you get to read all of these
    Happy Reading
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune.co.uk

    1. Yes... someone else who's rather enamored with Emmy and Oliver too. It just seems so darn cute! It's going to be a great summer read.

  12. I really need to read Anna and the French Kiss and Court of Thorns and Roses. Great list!

    My TTT: http://tsundokubooks.blogspot.com/2015/06/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-books-on-summer.html

    1. Ah... we are behind... for not having read these. I feel everyone else has read them so it's nice to know you haven't either. Good luck though getting to them this summer. :)

  13. Ooh yes, I can see quite a few of these being the perfect summer read! I completely adored Anna and the French Kiss, especially. Also, if you haven't yet, definitely pick up the sequels to Throne of Glass, as well as the prequel The Assassin's Blade because those are even better!

    1. Ah... I have indeed picked up the Assassin's Blade. I couldn't resist it since it fit perfectly cover-wise with the others. I'm a sucker for having all the stories combined into an anthology. Thanks for the confirmation that I have some excellent summer reads. :)

  14. I adore To All the Boys and A Court of Thorns and Roses was a really great read too. Hope you get to all these books this summer!

    1. Me too! Summer is really meant for catching up on all the good reads, right?! Thanks for confirming I've picked some of the best. :)

  15. Oh I love your list!! ACOTAR is my favorite book of this year! It was simply amazing! I hope you like Anna and the French Kiss .. I enjoyed the third companion book the most (Isla and the Happily Ever After). I loved loved loved To All the Boys I've Loved Before! Happy Reading!

    Anjie @ Love thy Shelf

    1. Oh yay... another vote for all the books I'm dying to read. Thanks for letting me know they're good. I'm pretty stoked because I've only ever heard good things about them all.

  16. ACOTAR! I can't believe I forgot ACOTAR on my list. I need to read that this summer, too.

    1. LOL! You sound like me as I read others. How could I forget such and such. Wails... because my TBR pile is so unmanageable as it is right now.

  17. Great list! I keep meaning to read most of the ones you listed, especially Jenny's books.;)
    Thanks for stopping by my list!

    1. It sounds like these books are on everyone's list either TBR or Fav, so like you I really need to read them.

  18. HOW did I forget to add PSILY to my list!? It was one of my most anticipated 2015 releases! I pre ordered it even! I LOVED Denton Little's Deathdate, To All the Boys, and Emmy & Oliver- SO, so good. I liked ACOTAR too! Hope you enjoy them all!!

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Ahhhh... you've already read Emmy & Oliver. I don't know what it is about that book, but it just seems like a must-read for me. Thanks for letting me know you liked it. I'm pretty excited about all my summer reads. Happy Reading to you too!

  19. I really want to read Jenny Han's books!! Also ACOTAR is EPIC. I hope you enjoy it :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. From what I've heard ACOTAR is blowing everyone's minds. I'm so excited about it. Jenny Han's books just seem like the best beach reads ever!

  20. Great list, Beth! To All the Boys I've loved Before. YESSS. It's so adorable and sweet. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Happy readings! :)

    1. I'm sure that I will love Jenny Han's books and I'm especially excited to be able to take them to the beach with me. So pleased everyone has nothing but good things to say about them. Happy Reading to you too! :)

  21. Awesome list! Anna and the French Kiss is such an excellent read. I think I may have to reread it soon! I've yet to read Lola and Isla though. Have a great summer!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Ah yes! Reading during the summer is the best if you can manage a time where no one interrupts you. Happy Summer Reading to you too!


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