Stacking the Shelves & #WeekReview 5/23/15

Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews is meant for sharing books you are adding to your shelves. They can be physical, virtual and/or ARCs -- anything really that's ending up on your bookshelf for awhile. Or your children's in my case. Both my little people have their own shelves and I do include book purchases for them which is mostly why I even have bought books this week.

Also, check out my little guy's #booksarentdangerous photo on Twitter and then go post your own. A campaign happening across multiple social media platforms where if you post a pic with a book and tag it with #booksarentdangerous you can help First Book, Little Brown and The NOVL get books in underfunded school libraries thanks to Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia for hosting.

Yeah... those are storm troopers and Boba Fett in the background of the photo. Darth Vader was pleased to be included in my boy's photo for the campaign. Also, the boy loves THE IRON TRIAL by Cassie Clare and Holly Black and that's him getting his own copy since we already own a hardcover of the book and he doesn't like sharing books with his mum and sis.


The TOMBQUEST books are for the boy and I will probably not read those. THE IRON TRIAL has already been talked about up above and why it shows up in "bought books" even though we already own a copy of it. THE 13TH REALITY is by James Dashner and my daughter is reading MAZE RUNNER right now since she really liked the movie and wants to be caught up on the books before watching The Scorch Trials. We all want to read Jonathan Stroud's 2nd in the LOCKWOOD & CO. series because he is such an amazing author who we really adore writing-wise and real-life wise.


WHILE YOU WERE GONE by Amy K. Nichols ~ Let me tell you how much I adored the first in this Duplexity duology! Soooooooo much! In fact, I gushed a bit about NOW THAT YOU'RE HERE on Amazon. Too happy that this ARC showed up today when I will have time over the weekend to read it.

Summary: An artist without a cause meets a rebel without a clue.

Eevee is a promising young artist and the governor’s daughter in a city where censorship is everywhere and security is everything. When a fire devastates her exhibition—years in the making—her dreams of attending an elite art institute are dashed. She’s struggling to find inspiration when she meets Danny, a boy from a different world. Literally.

Pretending to Be Erica by Michelle Painchaud ~ Really have not heard any prior buzz on this book until the publicist contacted me in regards to it. It looks really good though and both my daughter and I are looking forward to reading it. On Fangirlish, I should have an exclusive interview with the author, Michelle Painchaud closer to its July 2015 release date.

Summary: Seventeen-year-old Violet’s entire life has revolved around one thing: becoming Erica Silverman, an heiress kidnapped at age five and never seen again. Violet’s father, the best con man in Las Vegas, has a plan, chilling in its very specific precision. Violet shares a blood type with Erica; soon, thanks to surgery and blackmail, she has the same face, body, and DNA. She knows every detail of the Silvermans’ lives, as well as the PTSD she will have to fake around them. And then, when the time is right, she “reappears”—Erica Silverman, brought home by some kind of miracle. But she is also Violet, and she has a job: Stay long enough to steal the Silverman Painting, an Old Master legendary in the Vegas crime world. Walking a razor’s edge, calculating every decision, not sure sometimes who she is or what she is doing it for, Violet is an unforgettable heroine, and Pretending to be Erica is a killer debut.

"Waiting On" Wednesdays:


  1. You got some great books this week. I'm glad that your son liked the Iron Trial.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. THE IRON TRIAL is a good middle school book. Even I liked it and am looking forward to the next one in the series.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Nice haul! I love the #BooksArentDangerous picture. I did it, too (with my cat, Baby). I love the Iron Trial, too. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    1. Thanks. Followed you back and your cat is darling. I posted a photo of my cat too -- Willow with his namesake book. Love seeing everyone's pics and how it's helping schools.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great haul this week! I've wanted to read The Iron Trial for the longest time. It sounds so amazing! I hope that you enjoy everything. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. The Iron Trial is a really good middle-grade book. My son and I are looking forward to the second book coming later this year.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. ooh While you were Gone has a intriguing cover. Nice haul, happy reading :D

    Maura @

    1. The Duplexity duology can be interchangeably read. You should check them out if you're a sci-fi geek. I adore them and am looking forward to reading WHILE YOU WERE GONE soon.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. It's so good that your boy loves to read! My dad encouraged my love of books as a child and I used to spend every summer at the library, changing my books every three days! Now I feel as though my house IS a library...! Thanks for visiting my STS!

    1. Libraries are wondrous things and we frequent ours, even though our house pretty much is a library too. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. So glad your son enjoys reading! The cover of While You Were Gone looks very interesting, I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Thanks for dropping by Bursting Books !

    1. WHILE YOU WERE GONE is definitely pretty. So is its companion novel's cover. The Duplexity duology can be read interchangeably. You should check them out if you are a sci-fi geek.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Nica haul, Beth! And it's so great that your son loves reading, too!

    I want both While You Were Gone and Iron Trial, they look great. I hope you'll enjoy your new books :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie... both of the books you mention are well worth the time needed to read them. They're pretty fast reads though if you have only a few hours to spare.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  8. While You Were Gone does look really good. I love that cover!!


    1. Both of the Duplexity covers are gorgeous. Hope you like them. :)

  9. I hope you enjoy this week's haul!

    Lizzie @

    1. Thanks. I am definitely pleased with these reads. Happy Reading!

      Thanks for stopping by.


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