"Waiting On" Wednesday #9: Drug & Drop V2 by Clamp

So Clamp and I have one of those love-hate relationships. They tear my hopes and dreams apart whenever I think one of my fav characters might just get an okay life living without death. 

My life-long fascination with art, fashion and macabre probably is their fault too. Might think that Alexander McQueen was influenced by them too and that would explain my love his clothing designs. Of course, Tim Burton fits in all of this influence too. So we'll stop there before I expound on other things than books.

This manga volume is on pre-order and I cannot wait to read it. So happy to see these characters again and the new artwork for them. Clamp's touch is golden, even still... today.

  • Title: Drug & Drop
  • Publisher: Dark Horse Books
  • Publishing date: May 26, 2015
  • Author(s): Clamp
  • Series: Legal Drug Spin-off with xXxholic cross-over

SUMMARY: After completing Watanuki's request, Rikuo disappears upon his own ever-mysterious purposes. Fraught with worry over Rikuo, and bearing the new burden of "carrying memories" all by himself, Kazahaya makes a rendezvous at an unknown house--whose signpost has his family name! From behind the wisteria tree appears something even more unexpected...a tiny angel named Kohaku.

As always thanks to Breaking the Spine for hosting.


  1. Let me try this again -- I don't know much about this title, but I love the art -- it's beautiful! this one's mine: http://editingeverything.com/blog/2015/05/20/waiting-on-wednesday-2-going-to-wait-for-a-long-time-for-this-one/

    1. Clamp's artwork is gorgeous! If you have never seen their work, you should check out Tokyo Babylon and xXxholic. Stunning artistry and the stories burn your heart through your chest. I am not even sure how I have survived their masterful manipulations this long.


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