Stacking the Shelves & #WeekReview 5/9/15

Oy! It has been a long week -- two weeks for me -- because of hosting a Harry Potter party for a friend. Her daughter was turning 16 and she loves Harry Potter. Unfortunately, my friend is such a muggle and has only half-paid attention to the movies and never read the books despite her daughter's love of this fandom.

Check out these photo... because pics or it didn't happen, right?

Anyway... there was that party and then my son was sick and out of school for five days! Yay... no. However, he is finally back to school and finished his two day week out ecstatic since he's the most socially-inclined of us all and couldn't wait to see his friends again. However, he is bummed because his team lost the Reading Bowl and he feels that it was his fault since he wasn't there and the only team member who had read all 15 books they were being quizzed on. We've tried to tell him it isn't his fault he got sick but one of his teammates is being really mean about it. 

So this week in review covers two weeks actually!

Okay... so first off... FINALLY!!! I have a copy of A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. See how pretty... oh so pretty... it is! LOVE THIS BOOK! It is my only new book for this week in review and came from Barnes & Noble. 

Let's break these books down again. Since I went to a little independent bookstore in downtown Clermont that is the cutest. You all if you're in Florida and near Orlando, look downtown Clermont up. It has such a small town feel and this little bookshop is adorable!

All of my used Bought books listed today came from Rabbit's Hole Book Store & Coffee Shop.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare:

Best book ever! Yes, I already have a copy of this book, but it is falling apart and I needed this cover because I just like it. So yeah... if you have not read this book then you are missing out on a modern classic. Seriously... so gooood! 

The second and third novels -- (A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords) -- in the A Song of Ice and Fire novels or more commonly known by their television title... the Game of Thrones series. Since this season has me really contemplating the book deviations, I felt like it was time to maybe revisit the books when I get a chance. Yes, I got rid of my old copies because I was so frustrated at the lack of books coming in this series way back when.

A great scary book for middle age students and older. Avi just always tells tales that stick with you. My son read this book recently for school and really liked it. This copy is for him since I already have a copy in our library.

The Wild Things by Dave Eggers:

The novelization of the movie Where The Wild Things Are. My daughter loves the cover and just cannot wait to read the book. She cried at the end of the movie and really loved it.

Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd edited by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci:

Really... how could I resist this one?! I have been wanting it for awhile and the author line-up in this book is fantastic. Cannot wait to read this one. I am so behind!

The Game of Sunken Places by M. T. Anderson:

So we initially were attracted to this cover and then I saw who wrote it. Woohoo... he's up there in my Geektastic compilation and so yeah... hey, look at this author who writes awesome middle-grade school books. An excellent purchase since everyone in this house who reads will want to read this one.

Montmorency's Revenge by Eleanor Updale:

I own the first three in this series in softcover. I have never read these books. Yet I plan on reading them and so of course, stumbling across the fourth in hardcover was a treat for me. Gorgeous covers, enthralling Victorian descriptions and I really need to read these books and not just own them.

Vanish by Sophie Jordan:

Firelight is one of those books that we had at the bookstore when I worked there and it caught my eye because of the cover. Gorgeous and dragon-oriented, my daughter and I had to have it. So we do and then we haven't really paid much attention to the series since but oh look... we couldn't resist buying Vanish since it was there and again... pretty cover and dragons!


And that's it for me other than the bookmark which was on the Mother's Day card from my own mother. 

Next week I will be hopping again with book reviews. Check them out starting on Monday! Going to be doing some blog tours even... :)

Book Review:

Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles

"Waiting On" Wednesdays:

End of Days by Susan Ee
A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab

Chats on Twitter:

Thanks to Tynga's Review for hosting Stacking the Shelves!


  1. I always love seeing what people get in their hauls this week. I hope you love all your new books this week. They sound amazing.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Isn't it always fun knowing the books out there and that others love books just as much as we do. :)

      They are! Hope you found some that you'd like.

  2. Great haul this week. I can't wait for Challenger Deep. I hope you enjoy everything. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Thanks! Yeah, lots of great books and so little time. Hope you found something you might like.

  3. I've never heard of most of the books on your haul but they sound really great. I only know A Darker Shade of Magic, Magonia and the Susan Ee book. Happy reading! :)

    1. Maybe you'll have some time one day to check them out because some of these are ones you don't want to miss out on even though they're older books. Thanks!


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