#TopTenTuesday: Ten Characters I Didn't Click With

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

Oh wow! Do some of these topics just seem too difficult when you first read them, but as you start thinking about it, you get on a roll and then hit a brick wall? That's how this week's Top Ten Tuesday went for me. So let's see if I can get to ten... hmmm.

Michael from The Eye of MindsTo be honest, this book turned me off to the rest of the series. James Dashner's style doesn't work for me and he tends to use a similar plot for each of his series. While I adore Dylan O'Brien and The Maze Runner movies, the source material for them very much irritated me, even though I did manage to read all three of them but not the prequel. Which is my long way of saying, I read The Eye of Minds, did not click with the main character and was completely turned off of the series.

Miss April Spink and Miss Mirian Forcible from Caroline. While I adore Neil Gaiman's books, these two pair of actresses who are supposed to be harbingers of danger just didn't click with me even when they were making references to olden Hollywood times.

Dunstan Thorn from Stardust. Another Neil Gaiman character because when you love someone's writing so much and then you don't connect with a certain character it is because you're very unnerved by not liking someone in a book you love. Actually Stardust is my least fave book by Gaiman and I loved the movie! Sadly I think there might be a trend starting here.

Captain Frederick Wentworth from Persuasion. Okay, so that man there who is playing the part, Captain Wentworth, is such a sight for sore eyes. However, in the book, I did not care for him at all. He seemed wishy-washy to me and just not as dreamy as everyone seemed to think he was. Please don't judge me on this one. Aaaaaah.

Rukia from Bleach. She was supposed to be teaching Ichigo and yet I felt she just taunted him instead of being kind. It took her way too long in my opinion to catch on to how sweet, sensitive Ichigo was to everyone not just his family. 

Faye Chamberlain in The Secret CircleShe just is so so reckless and selfish and just despite knowing how the circle could protect them all insists on going it alone... and that's all she wants even when she nearly kills someone with her out of control powers.

Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones's Diary. Ridiculous book that I had the hardest time getting through. Nothing really clicked with me and yet, I LOVED the MOVIE. Again, something about the book's narrative turned me off but it didn't translate to the movie.

Greg from Me and Earl and the Dying Girl. Too old, too persnickety about how you speak to really connect with this character. He and his friend, Earl, were just too crass for me to handle. Their way of speaking nowadays just doesn't click with me at all.

Every character in The Alex Crow. Normally, I can related 100% to Andrew Smith's books but I could not get this book to click at all. None of the characters appealed to me. :(


  1. I didn't even know Stardust was a book!!! Omg! I love the movie a lot. I have seen it a lot, actually. I totally agree on Faye. I love the actress but the character *shudders* Nope.

    1. Yes... it is a book and it was so disappointing to me after watching the movie. Everything was so fey and otherworldly and Neil Gaiman's writing is dark, and morbid and so gritty real even when he's building worlds not of this reality. So yeah... it was a culture shock going from movie to book on that one.

      Faye is ridiculous in the books and the show, but Phoebe Tonkin committed like a boss to that role, for sure.

  2. I had a hard time with this topic too. I haven't read Bridget Jones' Diary, but I did really like the movie. I haven't felt motivated to read the book, actually. I'm not sure I would like Bridget in book form. I really enjoyed Stardust the book and was a little disappointed with the movie. I haven't read Coraline by Gaiman yet.

    1. Yeah... Bridget Jones can come across like a whiney brat and the movie squelched that narrative enough so that you could like her and kept her from being too much. I adore Neil Gaiman so yeah... he's pretty prolific and that is probably why his books stuck out to me and I hope no one gets the impression that he's isn't amazing after today's list.

  3. Ooh Bridget Jones is an interesting choice. I understand where you're coming from with that one. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    1. Yeah... she was hard to take in the book for some reason. Thank you for stopping by here. Happy Reading!

  4. I couldn't relate to any of the characters in THE ALEX CROW. God forbid! What a bunch of weird-os. My TTT

    1. Usually I actually like Andrew Smith's characters, but yeah... something just didn't click with THE ALEX CROW book and me. Happy Reading!

  5. I have to agree with Faye. I read the books back in high school in the 90's when they first came out and I didn't like her then. My TTT.

    1. I know right... she was just irritatingly obtuse in her me, me, me mentality and the others in the Circle would get hurt because of her. I didn't like that at all even though she did have reasons for being mad at them. Yeah... I don't jive with that attitude at all.

  6. Aw, I love Bridget - except when she's going on about her weight, since it always seems to be less than mine... I can see how she could be annoying though, and how the book can be un-connectable since it's so specific to a certain place and time.

    And Wentworth's actually one of my favourites! Haha, he seems a bit more human than the rest of the Austen men because he gets a bit petty and all that. I won't judge you though, since (*whispers) I don't like Darcy much...

    1. See... I adore Darcy and my friends most of them adore Wentworth so it's such a weird thing for me and I don't understand how I am so different. Although omigosh... that man in the gif... that actor is the only reason I've been tempted to watch Persuasion despite it being my least fave of Jane Austen's books. Glad there's no judgement because I have been judged by my friends a lot let me tell you.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I actually haven't read any of these books yet! Oops! I hope to get to them soon though!

    My TTT

    Lizzie @ Big Books and Grande Lattes

    1. Granted Bleach is pretty obscure if you do not read Manga or watch anime, however, a lot of these are on the bestseller lists or their series are and yeah... I really cannot recommend many of them. In fact Stardust and Coraline are the only ones I'd be like you really should read.

  8. I can totally see why you didn't like Duston Thorn. Great list :)

    My TTT http://wp.me/p3ftwe-Jy

    1. He just seemed totally disinterested in Tristan, didn't he? Like his life was moving on and he expected his son not to care about his mother or the life he had with her. So bizarre to me.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  9. I like your range in books on your list

    1. Manga, modern fairytales, realism and YA supernatural... although most of them do have a bit of the fantastical even as they claim to be realistic fiction. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  10. I haven't read The Alex Crowe yet, but I have heard it's very weird! I loved Winger and Grasshopper Jungle though!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. Winger is my favorite! Omigosh I cannot wait for Standoff! Yeah... I hate to be like I do not click with this book at all when I really like the author, but I did not click at all with that book or its characters. Maybe the crow at the end. Hah.

  11. I love Stardust, but have as yet to read any of Neil's books. And bummer about Captain Wentworth. I adore his character in the film, and have been meaning to read the book. Perhaps I'll go in with low expectations and maybe, I'll wind up liking him. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Dreaming Under the Same Moon.

    1. You will probably adore Wentworth from the book if you adored him in the film. It's just me. Yeah... really... it is one of those things I think where I'm the oddball person.

      Thanks for stopping by here. :)

  12. Break my heart, darling, Captain Wentworth, I adore him! I did almost add Edmund from Mansfield Park, he didn't do anything for me.

    1. Awww... I really don't mean to malign your darling Captain Wentworth. He's just not the character for me obviously. Yeah... Mansfield Park was a tricky one, wasn't it?

  13. I completely agree with you about Captain Wentworth! My TTT

    1. You and I have got to be the only ones on this planet I know that don't find him utterly divine. Omigosh! Didn't think there was anyone else who thought the same way.

  14. I've only read one of these! I loved The Secret Circle, but I don't think I was a big fan of Faye either. I haven't met Captain Wentworth yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not a huge fan of him.

    1. Faye is not very lovable. Ah... I feel bad maligning Wentworth especially if you haven't met him yet. He might turn out to be the dreamboat all my friends think he is for you. Happy Reading!

  15. I haven't read the Secret Circle books, but I feel the same way about the tv show version of the character.

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Yeah... Faye is one of those characters that I think is supposed to get better, be an example of how one matures over time, but she never did in my opinion. And they made her the same way for the show.

  16. I actually haven't read any of these yet- though quite a few are on my TBR. I am sad to hear about Me and Earl and the Dying Girl though, that one I was quite excited for. I liked Bridget Jones in the movie, but I haven't read the book- and now, I am not likely to ;) Fabulous list!
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. My daughter loved Me and Earl and the Dying Girl so don't discount it because I didn't like it. When it comes to crass talking for teens, I really cringe over it even though I know they do speak that way.

      Lots of people loved Bridget Jones's Diary too. I don't know what kept me from liking it because I loved the movie.


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