#TopTenTuesday: Ten Movies I Love Based On Books

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

Yay... today is a freebie and I wanted to be all over this post since well... it has been dead around here. However, school is kicking my butt as well as a bad reaction to having my eyes dilated yesterday for an eye exam. The migraine set in half way through the day and ugh... anyone who has migraines knows what a pain they are.

1. Pride & Prejudice [all of them!] 

From Greer Garson to Keira Knightley to Jennifer Ehle to Bride & Prejudice: the musical - they all are ever so fun and romantic and likable

2. The Maze Runner 

I did not like this series. However, the films have managed to pull the best parts of the story, which kept me reading despite not really connecting on a relatable level to the characters. This cast is so cute too! 

3. Clueless 

As a movie from book adaptation... I think it is rather brilliant. As a cult film, I adore how it still stands the test of time when I watch it. 

4. The Princess Bride

Okay... why hasn't everyone seen this film?! Tis adorable.

5. Bridget Jones's Diary

Another book that I did not like but adored the movie. So hilarious! 

6. It's Kind of a Funny Story

Absolutely amazing. Great casting and just worked so perfectly. The book is wonderful and the movie so complementary to the greatness of the book.

7. Anne of Green Gables

Made for television however, this movie was pretty much passed around my entire family and middle school group of friends because I bought it on VHS. Such a great adaptation. Perfection... everything was perfection.

8. Catching Fire

I have liked all these films but Catching Fire felt the most brilliantly emotional to me after loving these books. 

9. Mary Poppins

Goes down in such a delightful way! Seriously, the best and I adore the Princess Diaries in part because that's Julie Andrews, ya'll as the grandmother... but I cannot help but think Mary Poppins took over running a country. Hah.

10. To Kill a Mockingbird

Such a great film with all the heart, heartbreak and internal reasoning that made this book awesome.


  1. Oh awesome idea! I pretty much love all of these! And any Pride and Prejudice <3 <3 <3 I would also go for all the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies... oh and go on, Harry Potter too. I tend to love any adaptation to no adaptation at all :p

    1. The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films were good, but I don't think they are favorites of mine and I'm actually in the credits as one of the fans who supported the films when they were trying to raise money for it. Harry Potter adaptations are fun and rewatchable, but yeah... again, I don't know if they would make my top ten. Pretty much any book to movie I watch, and adore which is why I really shouldn't be making this list in the first place because I watch some ridiculous films just because I read the book. :)

  2. This is a great list! I love pretty much every adaptation of Pride and Prejudice as well, including The Lizzie Bennett Diaries. And Dylan O'Brien is perfect in the Mazerunner. Clueless is one of my "must watch" movies, I always turn to it if it's on. And lastly, I agree, why HASN'T everyone seen The Princess Bride? I'm always shocked when I meet someone who hasn't seen it (even more shocked when I meet people who don't like it).

    1. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was fantastic! Except it wasn't a movie so I couldn't include it here. Movies only. Even though Anne of Green Gables was made for TV, it was a movie on VHS first before PBS aired it as a series so that's why I included it. No television shows were included but one of these days I need to a list for that topic too.

      IKR?! How can you not like The Princess Bride and want to watch it over and over again?! Clueless is like that... it's great background noise.

  3. I loved Clueless when it came out but it wasn´t until recently that I learn that it was an adaptation of Emma.
    Adriana @ Reading Fictional

    1. Ding... Ding... Ding... you are correct. I wasn't aware of how many people did not know that it was a modern retelling of Emma. Wild, huh?

  4. Great list! I totally agree that The Maze Runner movie is better than the book. I didn't enjoy the books, but I LOVED that movie and I'm dying for The Scorch Trials to come out! I also love Clueless, but I didn't realize it was based on a book! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. Not much longer to wait. The Scorch Trials comes out Friday! :)

      Yes, Clueless is a retelling of Emma by Jane Austen.

  5. In total agreement with all of these! Did not know Clueless was based off a book though! Will have to check it out :)

    1. Oh yes, Clueless is a modern retelling of Emma by Jane Austen. :)

  6. I love The Princess Bride movie so much that I figured the book could never live up to it (figured it'd be one of those rare cases when the movie is better), but I ended up loving the book even more! The book has all that absurd humor that just can't be translated onto the screen, but I love both. Have you read the book? Btw here's my TTT :-)

    1. Yes, I have read the book and I do love it! The Princess Bride came out when I was in high school but I didn't see it until it was on the Disney channel nearly every day. So I had read the book when I was in middle school but after watching the movie, I revisited it and laughed through it too. It is one of the rare ones where the book and movie are equally appealing to me.

  7. ohhhh love the Princess Bride & Mary Poppins!! My TTT

  8. Hi! Yes to all of these!!! Especially Clueless. I love that movie so much :)

    1. I remember watching Clueless and going... oh... this movie is a lot like a book I've read. So it was pretty awesome when I found out that it was indeed based upon Emma.

  9. Great picks! I enjoyed The Maze Runner movie - O'Brien was very good in his role and I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel. My favorite of the books was the first, so we'll see what they do with the movies.

    Check out my TTT.

    1. My favorite was the Maze Runner too so yeah... I am curious how they continue the story and I have been told it has been changed a lot from the books.

  10. How did I not know that Bride & Prejudice exist? I need it in my life! I know it's blasphemous to say this in book blogging circles, but sometimes I feel like I prefer the movie adaptation of books I found boring e.g. Maze Runner.

    Aentee at Read at Midnight

    1. It is darling! You will be dancing to every musical number. Such a great film that has Rory from Gilmore Girls. :)

      Me too! It's ridiculous how many times I have thought this book is unreadable but then I watch the movie and I'm like... wow... that was good.

  11. Great Ideal and wonderful movie picks! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Renee ~ My Wow Post


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