#TopTenTuesday: Ten Characters Who Belong on the Stage

Oh hey look at this... a top ten list featured on The Broke and The Bookish that won't leave me gutted if I accidentally leave someone off. Woohoo. Pretty excited about this grouping too because well... I was able to think of a lot right off the bat without a lot of overthinking. Okay... maybe a little overthinking because I only chose characters that I thought would be awesome in live theater but were not performers in their fictional universes.

So without further ado...

1) Emily of New Moon ~ yeah... I know Anne of Green Gables probably should be on this list, but seriously, I have always adored Emily slightly more than Anne and if ever a fictional character was destined for the stage, it's her!

2) Daphne Bridgerton from the Duke and I ~ well... she does maintain a ruse very, very well and Simon totally buys it while falling in love with her but she's got that sparkle and mischief and penchant for pretend that would make her an amazing actress for the stage. Go Big or don't show up at all is totally her motto.

3) Draco Malfoy from those Harry Potter novels ~ really... do I even have to say more?! Okay, the boy totally was a drama queen and I hear that the stress and focus needed for live performance such as theater can be so cathartic. One man stage play. He was destined for the stage, don't you think?!

4) Liesel from the Book Thief ~ maybe... not a conventional choice, but anyone who can charm death probably would be ace as a stage performer. Plus she has entrancing facial expressions that speak to the soul... right?

5) The Pevensie Four Siblings from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe ~ truly... these four - Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - have a great penchant for the seriousness and dramatic in all things but especially for entrances and exits. A very handy talent I imagine for theater.

6) Lyra from His Dark Materials ~ given... the above four, how could I not have Lyra here. The girl is a natural born actress and her highhandedness and ease for navigating speeches that motivate followers, she should definitely hold the spotlight with no problems.

7) Wolf from Scarlet ~ y'see... the Lunar Chronicles delights in heroines and female villains and out of them all, Scarlet picked her way through smidgeons of clues and came up with the right answers and the love of a werewolf. However, if that boy couldn't playact his way through some psychopaths maneuverings... whew! He deserved an academy award for his performance and what better way to show off his serious acting chops than by heading to live theater?

8) Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird ~ communication... is key and Scout has it. When she speaks, she will have the eloquence and stature that her father passed onto her. Also, she will pick political statements in the guise of acting live and her father will come see every single one even when the outlook on humanity seems bleak and polar opposite to his perspective.

9) Reagan from Fangirl ~ Duuuuuude... she so would rock the stage live and especially in the Crucible. Right?! You all know that I am right. She has orations to give and the only place worthy of her awesomeness is the Theatre!

10) Sophie and Howl from Howl's Moving Castle ~ totally... my best choices yet, amirite?! These two together on stage. No one would ever leave because it would be magical. They would be brilliant and could you even look away? There would be behind-the-scene footage that would air on BBC and the grand disagreements and hair color changes Howl would go through while convincing Sophie she needs to speak louder while she progressively does get louder when telling him to mind his own business and worry about his own performance rather than critiquing hers would be spectacular too.


  1. I completely agree with you, Scout does belong on stage! You've picked some great characters this week. My TTT!

    1. Oh I was hoping someone would come by and see her name and agree! She is one of my favorite characters and it seems like she shows up on these lists often.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Nice list! Some of these characters I wouldn't have thought of for the stage, but you make it all make sense!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

    1. It was wild how easily I thought of these characters. A little disappointed in myself for not delving into the other themes I could've gone with today but it was late and I went with the first thing that made sense to me. Glad you see what I saw.

      Thanks for stopping by.

    2. I had a tough time thinking up a topic this week. I was in a panic all week! I can tell you put a lot of thought into this.

    3. Awww... that's rough. No panicking over these things. What am I saying... books are the only things worth... well not the only thing but you get the gist. :)

  3. Nice list and I certainly age with you about Draco Malfoy. 😊

    1. LOL! He definitely fits this list.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  4. So many great characters! I love your list. Scout should totally take to the stage. And, I love the idea of Emily!
    My list http://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/2015/04/take-ten_27.html?m=1

    1. Emily is darling and she would definitely thrive in theater. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I've never thought of it before, but Draco WAS kind of a natural performer, wasn't he? Everything done for an audience, always miming Harry's latest humiliation for laughs, even the way he spoke was dramatic and projected -- too bad Hogwarts doesn't have any kind of theater or arts program, he definitely would've thrived.

    Here's my list: http://christinahufford.wordpress.com/2015/04/28/ten-characters-i-would-totally-share-a-library-with/

    1. You nailed it. That's why I chose him. He's definitely a choice player for a theatre group. ;)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Awesome Topic!! I absolutely adored Wolf from Scarlet, he definitely knew how to keep calm in collected throughout the story!! Check out my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Isn't Wolf amazing?! He's darling.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I love your picks! I wouldn't have thought of most of them, but they all make sense. Howl and Sophie would have a little Beatrice/Benedick vibe, I think. Draco would work better on a stage than in school, I think. I would add Maven from "The Red Queen," but any more would be spoilers :)

    1. Yes. That's exactly how I imagined Howl and Sophie! Very cool...

      Thanks for stopping by!


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