Hello... in the next 24 hours get an e-copy of "Trixter" by Alethea Kontis for review


If you are a YA blogger who wants to review TRIXTER, email Alethea Kontis at the following address: akontis@gmail.com and she will send you an electronic copy.

Frequently, I push Alethea's books because --

 1} She writes some of the best fairytale retellings and I buy all her books always.

 2} She is so dang smart and researches the heck out of the fairytales she uses.

3} She wears massive amounts of glitter and is overall the princess she wants to be!

4} She works really hard for her successes and gives and gives of herself.

5} She's AWESOME. Okay... that's all you really needed to know anyway, right?


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