#TopTenTuesday: Books in 2015 I Should Have Read

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

Inevitably, some books end up on the TBR pile that never actually get read in the year they were released. I do not have time nor do I believe it to be scientifically possible to read all the books my brain tells me I should read. Here are the top ten books from 2015, that I really hope to read one of these days.

#1 --> Winter by Marissa Meyer must be read! I know, I know; but it's because "the end" books freak me out. No excuse, I know, since The Lunar Chronicles remain some of my favorite books to push onto others.

#2 --> My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga shows up on all my favorite people's lists of must reads and so yeah... I really need to read this book even though... yet again I haven't!

#3 --> Uprooted by Naomi Novik was a book I really wanted to read. Actually purchased and then somehow ended up shuffled aside until viola! I have not read it yet.

#4 --> Made You Up by Francesca Zappia has one of the most stunning covers from last year and since my daily life involves working with, trying to understand atypical-neuro functions so that my daughter feels as if she fits in with the rest of the world, it seemed like a book I'd like. 

#5 --> Bone Gap by Laura Ruby ... yeah... I feel embarrassed to even admit I haven't read this one. For shame on me! 

#6 --> The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch by Daniel Kraus was one of those books that every time I see the cover, I think why have I not read this book?! Still... even as I type this out, I am kicking myself for not reading this one yet.

#7 --> The Royal We by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan which was featured on Fangirlish, because of course it's being turned into a movie. I have a feeling this book will be my next THE DUFF which means I will read it right before the movie comes out. Still... it will get read.

#8 --> The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough is one of those books, I've actually had in my hands to start and then a deadline came due or something or another and I have NOT been able to get back to it. A travesty really since Martha is brilliant and I know this book will delight me as few do.

#9 --> Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin comes in at number nine because yeah... I have this book. Am suppose to review this book... and I don't even know. Everything about it should make me want to read it like yesterday and yet... no dice!  

#10 --> Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes came out in December, so do I get a sort of pass on this book? Given that I drove 39 hours over our holiday break and covered five states to make sure my little ones were able to hang out with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins for Christmas break?

Tell me what I am missing by not reading these. Have an idea which ones I should read first, tell me which and why? Help meeeeeeee... :)

Also, interested in following me and don't where I am?


  1. The only one of these I've read is Winter and it was really amazing!! I hope you get to all of these soon! :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I know, right?! How is it that I cannot bring myself to read Winter when I absolutely LOVED the Lunar Chronicles so far. I'm being silly.

      Happy Reading!

  2. Winter!!! That's on my list too. I finally got the audio so hopefully soon! Hope you get to all these!

    1. Oh smart. For some reason, unless I'm driving on a long trip, I cannot listen to audio books.

      Happy Reading!

  3. I pretty much still need to read all of the books on your list this week, too. Especially Winter!

    Check out my TTT.

    1. Winter... wow, I did not expect so many people to be holding off reading it like me. :)

  4. Winter and Uprooted are amazing! I still need to read The Royal We and Wolf by Wolf. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. It's wild, but I really was excited about Uprooted and then for some reason, it's 2016 and I still haven't read it.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. This is such a great list. My Heart and Other Black Holes was such a great read. Bring tissue cause you might shed a tear or two. And Uprooted was just so damn beautifully written. You have to read that like....now.

    1. Ugh... I know! How have I not read these books which so many people have told me to read and I trust them... it's just 2016 and where has my book reading time gone? You know?!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. You have a lot of good ones on this list. The best of the best is definitely Bone Gap. Swoon. I also loved Winter, Uprooted, Made You Up, and Wolf By Wolf.
    My TTT

    1. Bone Gap is one of those books that's winning awards left and right and yeah... no excuse. Look at you having read most of my list. Woohoo. You were on the ball in 2015. :)

  7. These look like some very interesting titles. I may have to check out a few of these (once I get through with my list of course)

    1. LOL! I know right?! No more book recs until the ones I want to read and are already in my house get read. That goes for no new releases either. Somehow I don't think that'll fly. Time machine, it is. :)

      Happy Reading!

  8. Winter and Uprooted are on my list too! I own Wolf by Wolf, but haven't finished it yet. What I have read of it is really good though.

    Check out my TTT http://pagesatrandom.blogspot.com/2016/01/top-ten-tuesday-4-top-ten-2015-releases.html

    1. Oh good to know on Wolf by Wolf. :)

      Good luck getting to all of your to-be-read books this year!

  9. Your list has so many fantastic and eye catching titles! Hope you enjoy reading them. :)

    1. Thanks. Me too. It's rather sad I am into the New Year and have not read some of these.

      Happy Reading to you too!

  10. Like your list, some of them are still on my TBR.. You really do need to pick up Winter though !!

    1. I know! I need to read it as soon as my company leaves, I plan on it. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Ahhh... thanks for the nudge. I really should read Winter and I'm thinking of actually starting it tonight. It's time. Enough holding out like I'm not desperate to know what's happened.

    Happy Reading!


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