#TopTenTuesday : Bookish New Year Resolutions 2016 Edition

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

My life lately has been controlled by sickness and in health issues... yes, my hubby had gastric bypass surgery and he's still recovering. I cannot believe how much weight he has lost but he's struggling to make the changes necessary to stay healthy now that he's missing three quarters of his stomach.

I, of course, came back from NY Comic-Con with strep which transitioned into pneumonia and just overall when I was down, I couldn't get back up again. It happens. Music tells the story we so frequently feel is boring. Y'know what I mean?

For now though, I am back and determined to do better this year! So yeah... how about that resolutions' list?! You all up for 2016 yet? Can you believe I'm starting out the year with a sinus infection. No? Me neither.

#1 --> Read more books that have been on my shelf for years and I desperately want to read but let ARCs and blogging duties take precedence.

#2 --> Read 100 books for the Goodreads challenge and actually write mini-reviews for all of them.

#3 --> Follow a Reading Challenge so my 100 books is diverse and fun.

#4 --> Spend less and go to the library! My house is too full as it is for the books I need to review much less my gargantuan and growing pack of books overflowing on the numerous shelves I own. Literally there is no room at the inn for anymore.

#5, #6, #7 --> Go to more book signings, interview authors at them and get those interviews posted right away to Fangirlish.

#8 --> Read aloud to my son and daughter, and convince them that this should be a thing we should do together.

#9 --> Go after ARCs with publishers more actively and prove myself worthy of them sending the fun packages to when it comes to blog tours and promotions. 

#10 --> Remember that reading is my escape and to quit stressing over all that I cannot get done because I put family first. Family should come first!

Also, interested in following me and don't where I am?


  1. Funny, it seems like everyone else has a goal to cut back on ARCs, and you're the only other person I've found who's also actually trying to get more! My blog just started last year so I didn't even try, but it does seem like fun to be part of all that. Feel better, and good luck with your goals! Here's my TTT :-)

    1. Does seem that way, doesn't it? I already write reviews for Amazon, Fangirlish and here; so you would think that I'm quite established; however, many times I still have a hard time getting a hold of the ARCs I most desperately want. Also, it's rare that I get the promotional packages that include the awesome additional assets. Suppose that with all the reviews I have been doing, I'd like an opportunity at getting those which means being more active and going directly to the publishers with requests.

      Good luck for sure at the new venture! Blogging can be a blast but some days it can feel like a lot more work than what you're getting back for it.

  2. I would like to do 9 more as well. I am lucky and do get sent enough to keep me excited but not overwhelmed like some people, but I think I want to do more this year.

    1. Yes, it is easy to get overwhelmed once you get into the swing of things and have loads of books coming your way. Good luck! Your goals are admirable.

  3. Oh mu goodness, I wish you lots of good health this year, sounds like it's been a tough beginning to the year. I'd love to go to more bookish events, I wish they had more in my part of the world! Happy new year!

    1. Thank you my dear! I am sitting here contemplating what oils to put in my diffuser because a night out at the theater has me struggling to breathe and blowing my nose every two minutes. Gross!

      Oh bookish events are wonderful and I feel the same. It's like the best book events happen where I don't live anymore. It's rough, but I am wishing you all the best of luck to get to any that might come to you.

      Happy New Year!

  4. Good luck with all your 2016 goals!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2016/01/05/top-ten-tuesday-38/

    1. Awww... thanks for the good luck. Best of luck to you too! Happy Reading!


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