Stacking the Shelves & #WeekReview 8/15/15

Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews is meant for sharing books you are adding to your shelves. They can be physical, virtual and/or ARCs -- anything really that's ending up on your bookshelf for awhile.

So much of my life is harried right now. School gearing up again and my little man is entering middle school. Uhmm... where have the years gone?! However, I have managed to get some reviews completed and especially over at Fangirlish, I have had the chance to interview some wonderful authors and put up in-depth features on them. You really should check those out.

Here we go though... I never have as little as I think and am scrambling like mad to figure out where they are and how to photograph them best for the Stacking the Shelves post.

Gorgeous hardcovers of The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Page and Half Bad by Sally Green.

BRAND NEW BOOKS from publishers/publicists:

Slasher Girls & Monster Boys by varied authors (Omigosh, squealed like a Directioner when this beautiful book arrived in the mail)

The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen by Katherine Howe (I actually sent over interview questions for Katherine last week for a Fangirlish feature, so look for that and did you know Conversion is being turned into a movie. Yesssss!)

Goodbye Stranger by Rebecca Stead (Ah how I love Newberry Medal authors although I am not enamored with this cover.)

Blood Guard series (first two books) by Carter Roy (Oh yeah... I have the hardcovers of these for my son. Thank you Carter for doing a fun Q&A for me over at Fangirlish. That one will go live the 18th of August.)

Express Lane Cooking by Shawn Syphus (I adore cooking, baking and this looked like a handy cookbook. Going to have fun reviewing this one.)

Lost Angeles by Lisa Mantchev and A.L. Purol (I won an e-copy of this book from a twitter contest! Thank you Lisa!)


Inherit the Stars by Tessa Elwood

Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell (Oh boy, she will be featured on Monday on Fangirlish and what a brilliant writer. Lives in Ireland and I am so jealous.)

Everybody Rise by Stephanie Clifford

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

E-ARCs Received:

The Hive Construct by Alexander Maskill

Into the Dangerous World by Julie Chibbaro

The Last of the Firedrakes by Farah Oomerbhoy

Truly Madly Famously by Rebecca Serle

Liar of Dreams by Libba Bray


Thank you so much Big Honcho Media for the lovely Percy Pack gifts! This package was amazing and the macaroons were delicious. The mug will get used as will the tile coffee holders. Of course the book will be confiscated either by my son or daughter, but that's okay... I will eventually get to read it. 






  1. Slasher Girls and Monster Boys sounds like an interesting story! I've been wanting to read Mechanica for a while. Glad you enjoyed it :) And aww. Good luck to your little guy in school!
    Thanks for stopping by My STS

    1. Your graphics are adorable by the way. Love the color and the girl in them. Thanks... he's nervous about moving to a different school and changing for gym and having lockers.

      Thank you for stopping by here! Happy Reading.

  2. With all of these books, how can it be I've read none of the authors? I need to expand my genres, I think, although I've read more than 30 new to me authors this year, it's the diversity of genre I don't have.

    1. LOL! This happens to me all the time on WoW posts. How have I not heard of these people? So much good books coming out, it's nearly impossible to keep track of them all. :)

      Happy Reading!

  3. Ah, school...I was always both sad and so very happy when school time came around for my kid. lol

    Slasher Girls and Monster Boys looks very interesting. I've seen it on a few other blogs recently.

    Great haul! Happy Reading!

    1. It's a catch-22 isn't it?! Your life becomes a mad dash to the end of the school year but also, more time to yourself to catch up on everything that you planned to do in the summer and didn't. Or you know not have to worry about the I'm bored comments coming in anymore. :)

      Slasher Girls and Monster Boys is amazing! I'm not a horror fan and yet it seems like a lot of what I'm reading lately falls into that category.

  4. I've not heard of many of your authors either and I'm astounded at your new arrivals. Amazing! I get freaked when I get 6-7 books in a week knowing I only read 3-4 each week!

    1. There's some amazing authors here so if you like YA you should check them out if you can. :)

  5. Looks like you got some awesome books this week. That's great - hope you enjoy them all. Love that Percy Pack- a friend of mine would be SO jealous. haha


    1. Ahhh... the Percy Pack box was perfection. I'd be jealous of me too! Your friend has good taste. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. So many of these I'm intending to read... someday! So many books, so little time. Hope you enjoy them!

  7. Great haul! I definitely want to check out that Katherine Howe book. It sounds incredible.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Oh I think Katherine Howe is amazing and 'The Appearance' is soooo hauntingly good. It's like a pretty shiver up your spine. Not scary but eerie as if you've spotted something beautiful and it affects you physically.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Lots of lovely books and goodies! Congrats. I just finished Mechanica, it was very fun. I hope you have a wonderful week!- Steph

    1. Mechanica was delightfully modern to me. I adored the steampunk creations in it too. How adorable were they?!

      Thanks for stopping by!


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