#TopTenTuesday: Ten Books I'll Probably Never Read

Oh hello... so much for that break on devastating Top Ten lists. Books that I would never read... probably. Yeah... didn't think I would be able to get through these so easily but uhm... sadly I was able to think of five nearly within seconds of reading today's prompt. Also sadly, I own quite a few of these.

Thanks as always goes to The Broke & the Bookish for hosting the Top Ten List.

1&2}  Fifty Shades Freed and Fifty Shades Darker ~ Erotica isn't my bag, but of course, what am I suppose to do when everyone's talking about a book and I have to sell books? I must read it. As I pushed myself to get through the first and then the next book. Halfway through Fifty Shades Darker I put myself out of misery. Yep... nope. These two books will not be read this lifetime.

3}  Vampirates ~ Vampires plus pirates should've been perfection. Sadly, I just couldn't get into them. I have signed copies - the first three books - in the series. Justin Stomper is a great speaker.

4}  IT ~ Yeah... no. I have seen the movie and just well... scary! Reading is worse than watching for me so yeah imagination incompatibility. Nope. Will not be reading this one ever! Even though I have read and loved other books by Stephen King.

5}  The Da Vinci Code ~ Long, rambling historical fantasy fiction authored by a smug person who just doesn't seem too nice in person. Yeah... sometimes the personality of the author outweighs any enjoyment to be had from the book. I've never once had the desire to read this book or watch the movie ever since reading off-putting things Dan Brown has said.

6}  The Shack ~ Sometimes it really bugs me when people speak of God as if we all experience His presence the same way and so I get that this book really suited people who needed that reassurance, that spiritual interaction happens to us all in different ways. However, I am not a fan of hearing about others experiences or reading fictionalized accounts of so called heavenly visions. That said, I really enjoyed This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti.

7}  Heaven is for Real ~ See above. Also, I think the kid from this book finally admitted it was a hoax or someone did and I sort of feel this way about all these books. Maybe it's not fair of me to judge them this way, but I just have the hardest time believing any of these accounts and so yeah... nope. I am not interested in reading this book no matter the hype or how often people requested it when I sold books.

8}  Anything by Ron L. Hubbard ~ Do I even need to explain this one?

9} Anything by James Frey ~ This too comes back to personal issues with the author.

10}  Fallen ~ How funny is it that so many people have this on their list? Both my daughter and I tried to read this book multiple times. However, I plan on enjoying the movie since the lead actress was adorable in the Odd Thomas adaptation.


  1. I had Fifty Shades of Grey on my list, I just can't bring myself to read something like that. Erotica makes me uncomfortable anyway, and it just sounds awful.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/05/top-ten-tuesday-3/

    1. I tried to be openminded about it, but seriously, the critical reviews of it - got it right in my humble opinion. Some of what passed for so called sexy really was horrifyingly stalkerish in a get a restraining order out against him way.


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