#TopTenTuesday: Ten Most Excellent Beach Reads

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

First order of business today though before we talk about beach reads is announce the winners of the giveaway featured in last week's Top Ten Tuesday blog. Woohoo! Hooray! Yippeeee!

Drumroll please...
  • Emily @ Forever Literary has won the signed poster.
  • Grace Fonseca has won a signed bookplate.
  • Rachel Burden has won a signed bookplate.
  • Beth @ The Quiet People has won the third signed bookplate.
Send me your addresses to bjhwhatever@gmail.com and I will send out your prizes right away. Thanks. If I do not hear from you in three days time, then a new winner will be picked. 

Now onto the beach... hah! 
I wish. Anyone else still a slave to the school schedules?

These will be broken up into my beach reads for this summer and five books I recommend for your beach bag this summer. Why am I doing the list this way? Because I've read some really great books that should accompany you to the beach but of course, that will not be necessary for me to take to the beach given I have already read them. :)


Definitely putting Jenny Han's To All the Boys I Loved Before and P.S. I Still Love You in my bag this summer! I have been dying to read her but since my main focus has been on getting through the numerous fantasy series I have... Jenny was put aside. Aren't these titles perfect for the beach though?!

Next up is another ridiculously romantic read so I've been told. Must read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins at the beach, yeah? Relaxing setting. Warm Sunshine. Adorable characters! 

For me, knowing that I have absolutely no time or excuses to interrupt the books I should be reading and reviewing because of all the ARCs piled up in my office, looks like A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas will be coming to the beach with me.

Sadly, my fifth book, Jackaby by William Ritter has been on my TBR pile forever, but since the second one in the series has been promised to me to read, I must get on with this book and the beach is going to be the magical setting for me to get it read. *fingers crossed*


Omigosh... I just read this book and have a review planned but totally add it to your beach bag! Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly is quirkily romantic. It will be a great read beachside.

Shadow Study by Maria V. Snyder, the latest book in her series featuring Yelena will be a good beach read. You can take breaks to jump in the water without missing a beat since the narrator switches and the mood shifts in a variety of places. Despite not being the best from this series, it still satisfies and brings about a new plot thread that really cannot be ignored.

When you need something to make you think about how good you have it, and sometimes the beach makes me feel this way, check out Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future by A. S. King. It delivers a feminist treatise with magical realism that will stimulate any conversation lacking the depth you need to determine whether you really connect with that person or not.

If you would like some spooky ghost story along with your romance, how about Suspicion by Alexandra Monir. Atmospheric and tense, the story delivers in a lot of ways that will leave you happy whether there is another novel in this world or not.

The heat gets to the best of us, but we still bask in the sun, so if you need a little cooling off, My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories edited by Stephanie Perkins is good place to start. An anthology featuring some of the best writers in YA right now and many of them feature the cold. Win-win for a beach read, right?!


  1. I would like to read Jackaby! It sounds like a fun book!

    1. It has been a must-read for awhile, but somehow every time I go to read, it ends up not being my choice to read at that moment. Not sure how that happened.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. You are going to LOVE A Court of Thorns and Roses!! Such an amazing book!! Enjoy your summer reads :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I am really stoked about making time to read it. Everyone seems to have read it already and I'm here getting through my other books right now.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I need to read so many of these books! I want to binge the Anna-companion trilogy at some point this summer from my library. I need to see what the hype is about for ACOTAR, and Jenny is on my list as well!
    -Monica @ Tomes Project

    1. Yeah... more Stephanie Perkins, Jenny Han and Sarah J. Maas in our lives can only be a good thing. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Great list. I love how you broke it up into two. I have so many to read from both list. I have Anna and the French Kiss sitting on my night stand with Suspicion so hopefully soon. Thanks so much for sharing! Happy reading! My TT

    1. Oh... nice. Suspicion has some really lovely music to go along with it. Check out Alexandra's youtube page.

      Thanks for stopping by!


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