Stacking the Shelves & #WeekReview 7/4/15

Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews is meant for sharing books you are adding to your shelves. They can be physical, virtual and/or ARCs -- anything really that's ending up on your bookshelf for awhile.

To be honest, a lot of my ARCs have come in virtual and I am not even in the right head space to list them all. Also, our library has been going through the books they are giving away to students participating in the summer reading program so a lot of my physical ARCs and book buys at Goodwill have ended up there. However, buying books for others has been fun especially since it is like a treasure hunt to find the book in such an expansive, disorganized area.

Don't worry though... I wouldn't be putting up a post if I didn't have anything to share with you.

First off, look at those beauties from Susan Dennard?! They are personalized and Christmas gifts for my daughter who already knows about them, because I am a sucker and could not wait to show her the personalizations.

Something Strange & Deadly Series by Susan Dennard
all three (3) autographed for my daughter

Something Strange & Deadly
A Darkness Strange & Lovely
Strange & Ever After 


The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black & Cassie Clare

The Shrunken Head by Lauren Oliver & H. G. Chester

First 2 Books in The Blood Guard Series by Roy Carter

The Boy Most Likely by Huntley Fitzpatrick

Newt's Emerald by Garth Nix

Art in the Blood by Bonnie McBird

Soundless by Richelle Mead

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord

E-ARCs Received:

Another Day by David Levithan
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
Becoming Jinn by Lori Goldstein


Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan boxed set with 10th Anniversary covers. 


The Copper Gauntlet by Cassie Clare & Holly Black


Top Ten Books I've Read So Far in 2015
Top Ten Books on My Summer TBR Pile


A Matter of Time by Lisa Basso


Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly 


  1. AAAHHH!! The Copper Gauntlet and Soundless!! I'm so jealous! All the other books are amazing, too! Fantastic haul this week! Enjoy them all!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My StS

  2. I'm excited for The Boy Most Likely To! I have an eARC but would prefer an ARC, but I'm not complaining ;) I liked Silver in the Blood! Probably going to give away my ARC. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a great weekend!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. There's a contest for the ARC here:

      Oh good to hear that you liked Silver in the Blood. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. OOoooo Soundless! Lucky! I also really want The Boy Most Likely too! Enjoy! Thanks for stopping by!

    Jennifer @ Some Like It Paranormal

    1. Don't they sound amazing. Happy Reading!

      Thank you for popping over today. Happy 4th of July!

  4. Oh my gosh! I want all of it! I need the PJ boxset and Soundless and Strange and Ever After. Lucky! XD

    1. The boxed set of Percy Jackson for the 10th Anniversary is so pretty! I love the spines. My daughter is pretty happy about them since they are for her too. Soundless is for me though and I'm so happy to have received it. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Soundless is also in my StS this week. I can't wait for it. I haven't read Susan Denard's books yet. I should probably get around to it. Great haul!

    Amber ❤ The Book Bratz
    My StS!

    1. I think you will really like Susan Dennard. She's really good.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Oh Wow! Great Haul! I really like what you got this week... I got Soundless this week and can't wait to start reading it. I hope you enjoy your new reads... And Thanks for checking out my STS earlier.

    Geek Girl STS
    Carolyn @GeekGirlOTP

    1. Thanks. Yeah... I'm pretty pleased with this haul. Soundless, I think will be excellent, don't you?

      Hope you had a great birthday!

  7. soundless, Art in The Blood and The Copper Gauntlet look excellent.

    Grace @Books of Love

    1. Such a sucker for Sherlock Holmes stories, so yeah... Art in the Blood was an awesome book to send me. :)

      Soundless and The Copper Gauntlet are going to be good. I have no doubts. Happy Reading! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Great haul this week. I've been wanting to check out the Something Strange and Deadly trilogy so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts on it.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. Susan Dennard is sooooo good! I need to write up a review of these books, for sure.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. AHHH SOUNDLESS!!! I love Richelle! I hope you enjoy it!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS!

    Leydy @ OUaT

    1. Richelle Mead is so lovely and yeah... I adore her writing too!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Oh my gosh - we so badly want to read The Boy Most Likley To! The Susan Denard books look lovely, too. Enjoy :) Here's ours: Bibliojunkies Happy reading! ~ Bel

    1. Oh yeah... the Boy Most Likely To is good. ;)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Oooh! Lots of new shiny books! It's hard to keep a promise not to buy new books when I see so many great ones listed in an StS post like this.

    I'm drooling over The Shrunken Head. How does HarperCollins distribute their ARCs? I didn't see their US division listed at NetGalley?

    1. I would hate to be on a book ban but completely understand the need for them. To be honest, I have no idea how HarperCollins distributes their ARCs, a contact of mine sent me The Shrunken Head.

      Netgalley isn't my main source of ARCs. I write for Amazon which is from where a lot of my physical ARCs arrive.

  12. Great post! I found your insights really thought-provoking. Looking forward to reading more from you.
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