#TopTenTuesday: Ten Fellow Book Nerds From Favorite Books

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

Oh the bookish characters usually are my favorite of all time! Some come from classics, others of course from more modern times. Either way, I tend to gravitate to bookish people in books just like I do in real life. What about you all?

Also, I would recommend every single one of these books and their titles are links that take you to the Goodreads page so you can read their synopsis and possibly order them. Yeah? Help an author out this week if you can. 

His library... omigosh... his library is so awesome. So is his house by the way. Also, Jackaby takes offense at his books being used as weapons even though Abigail Rook seems to only have them on hand when in desperate situations.

Okay so these two baby darlings are comic nerds, but comics count as book nerdish items. They read other things other than comics and yeah... they totally grow up to read all kinds of books.

This girlie grows up to write her own stories but before she ever could deal with life on her own, she escaped into books. She and I would've been bosom friends if she were a real person.

Omigosh... Charlie is adorably nerdy. He is a precious, precious boy who finds security and safety in the blanketing joy of reading good books. I love The Perks of Being a Wallflower!

Of course, this little young adult genius who grows up is never without books, looking for books, searching for books because that's where he finds the knowledge he needs to deal with the supernatural world that no one else sees.

Oh she is so much more than a lover of books. The keeper, guardian of the most important secrets of the Old Kingdom. However, she does not know her place or how much power she holds within herself. 

Oh, the angel who defies his maker because he is set in his ways and loves books. A creature of comfort who convinces a demon to join him. In their efforts to stay comfortable, they inadvertently save the world.

These two magicians have the hardest times getting along with each other. How crazy two men who have completely different perspectives on magic, what makes a good book magical and how do go about introducing magic back into the real world. 

Girl knows her books, how to research and basically boss everyone like the know-it-all she is. Don't you dare doubt her ability to solve any magical mystery, come up with an answer or find the right passage in a book that will save the day. 


  1. Oh, Artemis Fowl! I forgot about him, but I LOVE him.

    1. There are so many I forgot this week that I want to cry. Literally at least 30 other characters that I blipped completely and could've included if I had been creative about how I set this list up. Oh well!

  2. Oh, Jackaby is a GREAT choice! Completely forgot about him!

    1. He so is! I adore his bookish intents and am envious of his library!

  3. You mentioned some great books on your list this week--Lirael, Good Omens, JS&MN :) Great list!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT :)

    1. Yes, adore all those books you mentioned and of course the others on this list. What surprised me was how many I forgot. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. You have a very eclectic list with books others didn't think of, including me. Lirael. Of Course. Why didn't I think of her?

    1. You're feeling like I did while reading others. How could I have missed The Book Thief?! It is one of my all time favorite books and totally filled with book nerds, but I blanked it. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. CHARLIE! Darn...I should have added him! You have some great choices here! I still need to read Jackaby and Eleanor & Park. Awesome list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    1. Awww... yeah... Charlie is precious, isn't he? Jackaby is quite wonderful and Eleanor & Park is brilliantly different and diverse.

  6. I'm very interested in Jackaby and Good Omens - and after hearing that there are book nerds in them, think I'm definitely going to have to read them! Great list.

    My TTT

    1. Jackaby and Good Omens are wonderful. Hilarious. So very British in its humor but also, good fun mysteries.

  7. You know I've never read Lirael? I read Sabriel a looooong time ago in the late '90s and remember liking it but have never gotten around to any of the sequels. In any case, reading your list is a good reminder that that book is out there, and knowing that there's a book nerd within its pages is added incentive!

    Also, I was torn between Emily and Anne of Green Gables. Anne is just the loveliest.

    1. Ahhhhh... Lirael is really fantastic. Sabriel is and always will be my favorite I think, but the Old Kingdom makes for a fantastic read.

      Me too! I almost went with Emily of New Moon because honestly I love her but I don't think that she and I would be bosom friends. Emily and I are too much alike, which is why I think Anne and I would get along famously. I'd need an optimist in my life. :)

  8. You have some great picks on your list - some I haven't seen on any other lists yet. Fab!

    1. Thanks! I desperately tried to offer up a variety of characters who were not all alike, however, I don't think I succeeded. Also, I forgot some rather spectacularly obvious favs too. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Yay Hermione!! She's so popular today! LOL! Haven't read the rest of these books, but Harry Potter is pretty much essential to any Top Ten post! ;)

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Hermione has been the rather obvious choice, which is why I could not leave her off the list. She's brilliant and really who doesn't know that witch kicked butt with book knowledge?

  10. Liesel and hermione made my list too! I've been wanting to read Good Omens - I'll have to bump it up my TBR list. :-)
    My list: http://www.allensteachingfiles.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-ten-characters-who-are.html

    1. Hermione was a popular choice. Although to be fair, the witch could probably be called the definitive book nerd. Then again, she kicks butt quite a bit with her book knowledge so I couldn't leave her off my list.

  11. Good list, yay Charlie & Hermione match on my list. I forgot about Eleanor and Park!

    Jo @ http://adreamfrommyheart.blogspot.com/2015/07/characters-who-are-fellow-book-nerds.htm

    1. Eleanor and Park were surprisingly popular even though I agree with everyone who believed Cath to be the better pick here. However, I wanted some diversity in my choices and they were a good fit for both. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Hermione! I think I’ve seen her on every list I’ve looked at today. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. How could we not include Hermione?! She definitely kicks butt with her book knowledge and while she might be a know-it-all, she certainly turned out to be the most loyal, protective witch of them all.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Ooh Artemis! It's been so long since I read this series but he's such a good choice. I need to read Jonathan Strange, though, I've had the book for ages but I never seem to find the time to get into it.
    Eleanor and Park are so cute - I loved that novel. Great list, Beth! :)

    1. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is a huge book and drags in parts but overall really does come together very prettily. It's a good read! And oh aren't Eleanor & Park too cute together and as individuals?! Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Oh gosh how could I forget Jackaby? And Eleanor AND Park?!
    Great list!

    Jane @ the bookdragon

    1. Jackaby is such a book nerd! And a darling one at that. I really want his house and library. I too after reading others' lists was like how could I not have included so and so! Such is the nature I think of Top Ten Tuesdays. :)

  15. Really sad I missed off Eleanor & Park now! They were a beautiful couple <3 Great list!!

    Laura @ What's Hot?

    1. They were too precious and bonded over comics. Although to be fair, as I read other people's list, I was all like -- How could I not have included them?! Thanks for stopping by!

  16. I am so mad I forgot Eleanor and Park!! I love that book. Anne of Green Gables is something I am going to read for a book challenge this year and am excited - Great list!!

    1. Anne of Green Gables is so fantastic! Enjoy. It's one of my favorites. I was so irritated at myself for missing some great choices too.

  17. Awesome list. I am so disappointed that I completely forgot about the comic aspect in Eleanor and Park. If I had remembered that, she would have been on my list for sure. :)

    1. Yeah... I think we all had moments of how could I forget this character in regards to this list. It's the general feeling I'm getting from everybody. :)

  18. YAAAAY FOR GOOD OMENS! I barely ever find people who love that book. :D So spectacular and witty. Oh oh. I love E&P and also Charlie (fadjskl Charlie that adorable thing) and I really want to try Jackaby someday!
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Oh Jackaby is sooooo good in that witty, meta way. I think you will like it if you are a fan of Good Omens. I feel like this list should not be without Charlie! So happy someone agrees with me. :)


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