#TopTenTuesday: Ten Recently Acquired Books

Thanks to the Broke and the Bookish for hosting.

These are in no particular order, unless you count how I could remember them... Ha! This week's been super busy and I'm gearing up for the Percy Jackson party on Thursday. I cannot wait to show off what I have planned.

Also, I would recommend every single one of these books and their titles are links that take you to the Goodreads page so you can read their synopsis and possibly order them. Yeah? Help an author out this week if you can. 

#1 --> Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway

#2 --> Jackaby by William Ritter

#3 --> Mechanica by Betsy Cornwell 

#5, #6, #7 --> Something Strange and Deadly Trilogy by Susan Dennard

#8 --> The Book of Lost Things (Mister Max #1) by Cynthia Voigt

#9 --> Trixter by Alethea Kontis

#10 --> Locked by Eva Morgan


  1. I got Jackaby recently too and I can't wait to actually read it! I'm not a huge mystery fan but something tells me I'm going to really enjoy this one! I hope you love all your new books!

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I've read Jackaby already and loved it. The mystery is a bit predictable but it's the characters you truly like the best and read on for. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading.

  2. I can't wait to read Jackaby! And I have all of the Something Strange & Deadly series and I need to read them ASAP! Great list! Hope you get to them all soon!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. I've read Jackaby already and loved it. The mystery is a bit predictable but it's the characters you truly like the best and read on for. So excitedd about the Something Strange & Deadly Series. My copies are all signed and are a Christmas present for my daughter. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading.

  3. Oooo, nice list of reads!! Mechanica looks intriguing. I'll have to check it out online. Happy reading & Thank you for stopping by leaving me a comment. :-)

    1. Mechanica is my own ARC and I am taking part of the blog tour over on Fangirlish. It looks good, doesn't it? Happy Reading! :)

  4. Great list! I've heard good things about Mechanica. Enjoy.

    1. Mechanica is my the only ARC on this list and I am taking part of the blog tour over on Fangirlish. It looks good, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I absolutely loved Emmy & Oliver, such a good book, and definitely one of my favourites of the year! I didn't get on so well with Jackaby which was a shame, but I really hope you enjoy it!

    1. Isn't it just the sweetest book?! Emmy & Oliver has been on my want list for awhile so I was pleased to find it in a local independent store. Jackaby has a bit too much predictability in its mystery so that if you're there for that, it isn't as appealing. However, the characters were precious and the reason I read on. This copy I bought is for my daughter who loved it just as much as I did. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. I have never heard of Emmy & Oliver until I checked out the link you posted (thanks for that!) and am really excited to read it now. Love being introduced to books I wouldn't have found on my own...

    Here is mine this week :) http://busybrunettesbookshelf.blogspot.com/2015/07/top-ten-tuesday-last-ten-books-that.html

    1. Ahhhh... I hope you enjoy Emmy & Oliver as much as I did. Such a good read to put on the shelf permanently. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Reading!

  7. I've seen Emmy & Oliver on so many lists! That plus the cute cover, I'll definitely have to check it out. Also, thanks for stopping by over at my TTT!

    1. Emmy & Oliver are definitely the cutest cover and inside too. :)

      Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Emmy & Oliver is one I REALLY want to get. I have heard such awesome things. Locked looks interesting - Enjoy them all!!

    1. Locked is a Sherlock Holmes pastiche, and I cannot resist books featuring him. Emmy & Oliver is so sweet. Hope you get to read them soon.

  9. I haven't read any of these, but I really want to get to EMMY AND OLIVER and JACKABY. Both look so good.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Both those books are most excellent! Hope you get to read them soon. Happy Reading!

  10. Such great covers, I'd be tempted to pick them up for that alone.

    1. Lots of love for these covers for sure! Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Jealous of your PJO boxed set... I really, really want those covers but I can't make myself re-buy the whole series. Maybe someday I'll get around to it! Happy reading :)

    1. Yeah... Percy Jackson series ended up with my daughter. That's a bit of a trend up above... most of those books were for her. :)

  12. I LOVE the Something Strange & Deadly trilogy! I'm excited for Mechanica! Hope you enjoy them all, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Oh good. That's a series we haven't read yet, but I bought them for my daughter because Susan Dennard is amazing. Mechanica looks brilliant doesn't it?

  13. Great list. I’ve read some of the Percy Jackson books, but I don’t think I’ve read any of those. I’ve really liked the ones that I have read.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Those Percy Jackson covers are reissues of the original five. So if you've read any of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, you've read those, just not with those covers.

  14. Mechanica is one I'm waiting for :-)
    Hey sweetie! I just awarded and tagged you here for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.


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